Harvard discovers a few of its library books are bound in human - TopicsExpress


Harvard discovers a few of its library books are bound in human flesh During the medieval period, the black rulers and noble men of Europe used to flay their white subjects----dead or alive----harvest their skins and used them for book binding. Read more: 1. Angria, Africa, Heathcliff and the Brontës - LipstickAlley lipstickalley › The Lounge › The African Diaspora Forum Aug 3, 2012 - 14 posts - 6 authors Up till now, they had ususally used a white actor, with some dark ... Moor was used for people of Arab, Berber, and West African descent. ... WH is about the changing times in Europe, and should be ..... I consider the horrible practice of using white human skin for bookbindings by the Black nobility as ... 2. Blue Blood is Black Blood 1500-1789 – Egmond Codfried ... africaresource/rasta/sesostris...is-black.../comment-page-1/ Aug 16, 2008 - During the Middle Ages Black peoples in Europe were called Blue men. ..... There is a site that has been used awesomely to open my eyes to information. ..... of using white human skin for bookbindings by the Black nobility as ... Theres something undeniably creepy about big, expansive libraries. The hushed whispers, the almost artificial quiet, and the smell of dusty tomes combine to create a surreal experience. But when it comes to creepy libraries, Harvard University might take the cake... you see, at least two of its books are bound in human skin. A few years ago, three separate books were discovered in Harvard Universitys library that had particularly strange-looking leather covers. Upon further inspection, it was discovered that the smooth binding was actually human flesh... in one case, skin allegedly harvested from a man who was flayed alive. Yep, definitely the creepiest library ever. As it turns out, the practice of using human skin to bind books was actually pretty popular during the 17th century. Its referred to as Anthropodermic bibliopegy and proved pretty common when it came to anatomical textbooks. Medical professionals would often use the flesh of cadavers theyd dissected during their research. Waste not, want not, I suppose. Harvards creepy books deal with Roman poetry, French philosophy, and a treatise on medieval Spanish law for which the previously mentioned flayed skin was supposedly used. The book, Practicarum quaestionum circa leges regias… has a very interesting inscription inside, as The Harvard Crimson reports. The book’s 794th and final page includes an inscription in purple cursive: ‘the bynding of this booke is all that remains of my dear friende Jonas Wright, who was flayed alive by the Wavuma on the Fourth Day of August, 1632. King Mbesa did give me the book, it being one of poore Jonas chiefe possessions, together with ample of his skin to bynd it. Requiescat in pace.’ Years later, the infamous flayed skin book had garnered so much attention on campus that Harvard went ahead and had the thing tested, concluding that it was likely a morbid 17th century joke. Despite the creepy inscription, their tests showed that the books cover was actually made out of a mixture of cattle and pig collagen. Hey, two out of three aint bad. Now, all the attention has caused Harvard to perform more tests on the rest of their bizarre book collection, and as it turns out, not all of the fleshy volumes were the work of an old-timey prankster. The tests actually confirmed that they do own at least one book bound in genuine human skin. The [test result] from Des destinées de l’ame matched the human reference, and clearly eliminated other common parchment sources, such as sheep, cattle and goat, said Harvard Laboratory director Bill Lane. According to Director of University Libraries Sidney Verba 53, there are almost certainly more of the human flesh-books out there, probably even in its own library, but while its possible to touch the one confirmed and two possible skin-books in Harvards rare book room, the librarians arent exactly fond of all the attention theyve received lately (even inciting a few tepid responses to this very post). In fact, theyve made it a point to downplay their ownership of the real flesh-bound books in favor of reminding the media that one of them is fake. Nice try. If you do decide to head to Harvard and check out the books for yourself, do us a favor - just dont read them out loud. We all know how that ends. https://roadtrippers/blog/harvard-discovers-three-of-its-library-books-are-bound-in-human-flesh
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 10:19:41 +0000

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