Harvey Wassermans Corporate Personhood Is the Ebola Virus of - TopicsExpress


Harvey Wassermans Corporate Personhood Is the Ebola Virus of Climate Chaos for EcoWatch ... As currently structured, the corporation’s sole mandate is to make profit. Its insatiable need for more and more money, and its immunity from the consequences of its actions, are unsustainable in any sense. Its fossil fuels heat our planet. Its atomic reactors threaten us all. Meanwhile, solar, wind and other Solartopian technologies plunge in price while surging in efficiency. It’s now abundantly clear they can power our civilization cleaner, cheaper, more reliably and with more job creation than old King CONG (Coal, Oil, Nukes and Gas). ... But in the fossil/nuke world it currently rules, King CONG is above the law. It’s been cheaper for the fossil/nuke corporations to wreck the Earth—and our health—than to protect them. So now we must take the next step. It’s a great thing to march on climate chaos, and to finally know that our power can and must come in concert with our Mother Earth, rather than at war with her. Keystone XL, tar sands, oil leases, mountaintop removal, fracking, nukes … these all must be stopped. ... ecowatch/2014/09/18/corporate-personhood-ebola-climate-change/
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:49:21 +0000

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