Has anybody read, Deliver Us From Temptation by Tony Turner. Hes - TopicsExpress


Has anybody read, Deliver Us From Temptation by Tony Turner. Hes David Ruffins godson and worked Security for them? Its very interesting. One day in August 1973, Paul came home from work to find his girlfriend, Winnie, partying with friends. Upset, he promptly left again. He was found some time later, dead with a bullet in his brain. The verdict was suicide. Everybody agreed that Paul had plenty of reasons to kill himself-he owed $80,000 in back taxes, his family life was in ruins, a boutique he had opened with Winnie had failed, hed drunk himself out of the Temptations, and now considered himself a prisoner of Motown. But hardly anyone believed Paul had killed himself. Eddie Kendricks had his doubts. He had seen Paul just a couple of days earlier and found him in a positive mood. Besides, as David Ruffin said, why would anyone get into his car with only his underwear on, drive to within a few blocks of Motown and using his right hand, shoot himself in the left side of his head? It didnt make sense. Whatever the reason for Pauls death, it terrified Eddie. As the years went by, Eddie became increasingly self-controlled and cautious, carefully picking and choosing who he would allow in his life. Pauls fate also made Eddie even more wary of Motown, despite the fact that his solo career was going well. Eddie thought he was going to be the male Diana Ross but nobody could be because Gordy wouldnt let them. And nobody was given the kind of star treatment or attention she got either, which Eddie resented. Once, Eddie and Gordy were in an elevator together and Gordy allegedly told Eddie, You know, your career would go much further if you would be like Diana and just do what youre told. Well, Im not Diana, Eddie replied. From that point on, according to Eddie, it was as if he didnt exist at Motown. According to Eddie, he wanted out of Motown despite his solo success and offered to buy his way out but Motown wanted him to sign an agreement relinquishing all future royalties. Eddie said, things got so bad, Motown had him in a hospital seeing psychiatrists. Eventually, Eddie signed the agreement according to Turner.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 22:06:10 +0000

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