Has anyone been following the story of the St Louis PD Officer, - TopicsExpress


Has anyone been following the story of the St Louis PD Officer, Dan Page? He was recently fired after a 2012 YouTube video surfaced, of a meeting of the American Oath Keepers, an anti government, far right group. The mass media has has only reported on essentially the racist things he said, including derogatory comments in regards to President Obama. What the media has neglected to report, from the hour long video, is that Page states, on several occasions, that he used to work for the US Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command. This is what is known as PsyOps. It is subtle manipulation of media/politics/education and any other institution, to condition the US populace. It has now been revealed, during CNN coverage of a police brutality protest, in response to the events in Ferguson Missouri, that Dan Page is now working for the St Louis PD. In the CNN clip, we see the reporter being pushed back into the protesters by Page, yet the camera man stays behind the police, to be able to clearly film the reporter. Its all a little off to be honest. Why are the police so concerned about moving the reporter back two feet, but a fine with the cameraman staying where he is? Most of you, if youve gotten this far, are probably thinking yep, right on cue for Davo and some insane ramblings. I agree that this all seems far fetched. Im in no way implying that the Ferguson shooting is part of a perfectly orchestrated government conspiracy to usher in the New World Order. I am asking you to consider the possibility that when events like this happen, shady organisations like the CIA (who are really a power onto themselves) are able to take advantage of these scenarios and use them to bend people to their will. Never let a good crisis go to waste -Winston Churchill
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 07:20:00 +0000

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