Has the Government of PNG signed a Free Trade Agreement with Asia - TopicsExpress


Has the Government of PNG signed a Free Trade Agreement with Asia for Trading of Counterfeit and Junk Products in the Country? Has anyone, I mean the Hon. MPs walked the streets and stores in the towns and cities in Papua New Guinea and noticed what is being sold on the streets and store shelves everywhere? The fact is; PNG is fast growing and emerging as the trading hub in the South East Asia Pacific for freely trading of counterfeit and junk products from Asia. Thanks to the “Look North Policy” and PNG’s very own Hon. MPs. The floodgates have been opened and PNG is apparently under invasion not only with the flooding of low quality, substandard and yet expensive products from Asia but also taking over of prime land and reserved business and employment opportunities for locals. The growth potential of the counterfeit and junk product market in the country looks promising with PNG’s fast growing poor population while the government of PNG does not have immediate plans to stop such trading or have long-term plans to develop and encouraging its own manufacturing industries to replace those low quality imported products. However, without a “Free Trade Agreement” between PNG and Asia, such free trade would be controlled, restricted and monitored. Therefore, the government of PNG must have signed a “Free Trade” agreement with Asian countries for them to sell their low quality and counter fake products on the streets and store shelves everywhere in PNG. Thanks to the poor illiterate and ignorant educated population of the country. We simply don’t care what we buy or consume as long as we get something in return for our money. On the other hand, to maintain the trade balance sheet between foreign countries, the Government of PNG is allowing foreigners to invest heavily in the extractive industry (oil, gas, minerals, timber, fishery, etc.) by giving foreign owned multi-corporations big tax breaks and tax cuts. Unlike the free trade of counter fake products which involves finished products ready for consumption, the government of PNG doesn’t care about downstream processing of the raw natural resources to add more value and create more employment opportunities to reduce the unemployment in the country which is still above ninety percent after 38 years of independence. Who cares! We are landowners and have everything we need on our land. Forget about civilization and modernization. It’s neither our inheritance nor going to be our destiny. But we will die embracing Christianity. So while we are still alive, let’s help foreign countries to exploit our natural resources. They need it more than us. They have very large populations with big fast growing economies which need our raw natural resources to sustain them. Yet it’s a shocking reality that PNG is fast becoming a growing trading hub for trading of PNG’s riches with Asian counterfeit and junk products without a “Free Trade” agreement. Thanks to our visionless and corrupt Hon. MPs. Lucas Kiap PNGACMC
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 23:47:20 +0000

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