Has the Patriot Act done away with our rights under the law? This - TopicsExpress


Has the Patriot Act done away with our rights under the law? This act needs to be tweaked. Yesterday a man in Harris County and his family were stopped in their vehicle, dragged from their car and beaten. The deputy was captured on camera kicking this man in the head. These acts of brutality are increasing in every community. These are the kind of things that occur in third world countries, not here. My own nephews “kidnapping” by the Kern County Sheriff’s Dept. should serve as another example. FYI, the NY Post and the Blaze both covered it last week. Since his beating, his family are being continually terrorized and threatened by these deputies with no recourse. The CA AG will not respond to their complaints and neither will the FBI. THIS IS WRONG. The following acts have continued SINCE his release: His wife was followed to the story by a deputy who got out of his car, leaned against the hood and stared at her. When she saw him, she went back inside the store to let the owner know she was afraid. Then she went back outside, got into her vehicle and started home. The deputy followed her awhile and then turned off. My nephew was stopped on his way home one night from work by a deputy who told him he ran a light. My nephew told him there is no light at that location. The deputy then began to ask him questions about his father and my nephew replied, “I’m sorry but I am very uncomfortable discussing this with you.” The deputy then said, “You’re right, you didn’t run a light. I’m letting you go.” My youngest nephew was married in a small family wedding at home with nobody but immediate family present. A deputy pulled his car into the street and sat there the entire time. (This is an extremely remote area, way off the usual path of patrol). His younger brother and his wife were pulled over on the road just last week, after the news stories came out. Instead of going to the driver’s window, the deputy went to Frank’s window on the passenger side and said, “You are doing too much texting.” Frank had no idea what he was talking about since neither of these brothers knows how to use a computer. Just then the deputy got another call and left them sitting there. Finally, this morning Scotty got up at 2am because his ribs were hurting him. (Deputies broke them all more than once.) He went out into the living room and sat in a recliner, in the dark. A few minutes later Zina got up and turned on the bedroom light. As she did that, a car outside started its motor and suddenly, the entire place and yard were lit up with flood lights, like it was daylight. And then the Kern County Deputy drove away. My family are being terrorized by the Kern County Sheriff’s dept. and there is nothing we can do to stop them. Since 5 men have died in their custody since Christmas, 4 since March, why should they not be afraid for their lives? What can we do to stop this? The Patriot Act has turned ordinary Americans into victims. How many more have to die? When will the victim be someone in your family?
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 13:11:58 +0000

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