Has the abolition of the mining tax boosted your confidence in - TopicsExpress


Has the abolition of the mining tax boosted your confidence in LNPUP? The mining tax is an enigma. When it was first mooted there was rancour from a few, but polling showed most people thought it to be a sound and sensible idea. The initial sales pitch for the tax made sense to me; A super profits tax, a tax that will be fairly applied as it will apply by scale to those companies that are making exceptionally large profits. It will not apply to those mines where exploration and infrastructure spending outweigh production. It will only come into play after the mining lease has built all the infrastructure, no longer employs all of those people required to undertake this labour intensive phase. But even then it will be only after a certain level of profit is reached...., part of a speech by a supporter of the tax at a scrap the tax rally in Perth attended by Gina Rinehart only got that far into his speech before being cut off and derided. That was the turning point, the day the Multi Billionaires hit the streets to scream about a tax. That was the day that proved beyond doubt that this country is asleep. m.smh.au/federal-politics/political-opinion/tony-abbott-bullish-as-mining-tax-demise-gives-coalition-a-muchneeded-boost-20140902-10blmm.html
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 21:35:04 +0000

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