Has this ever happened to you? hope this helps someone. FOUND - TopicsExpress


Has this ever happened to you? hope this helps someone. FOUND OUT THE LANDLORD WAS NOT EVEN THE LANDLORD A woman received a notice of eviction while current on her rent, In fear she struggled to remain in her apartment, Not really knowing where to turn she contacted the court clerk at landlord tenant court and was given very basic information that seemed to discourage her even further, handing her a series of intimidating legal documentation without assistance in filling them out. She was left to figure them out herself. finally she heads on over to Legal Aide whom are not allowed to represent or offer legal advice, However are allowed to explain documentation and stir you in the right direction yet, left out vital information that could have made the journey less grueling. Finally the date to appear in court arrives. The lady requested time to get a lawyer, the judge reluctantly agrees and sets another court appearance. Two weeks later, the lady appears before the judge without an attorney, and handed the presiding Judge a letter from the Attorney stating he is on vacation but will be ready to represent her in three weeks. The Judge furiously granted the extension and yells at the respondent (The Lady) informing her hes tired of her jerking the courts chain that hes ready to make a ruling with or without a lawyer. The judge stated This is a simple matter you either move or we force you The lady rushed out of the court room and over to the city hall, while at City Hall she met an Attorney who was kind enough to assist her in answering all of her concerning questions. He informed her of her rights and how to protect them. He sat with her and looked up the owner name and addresses as well as the Certificate of Occupancy to their amazement the true Owner of the building had abandoned the property years before and their was no record of New Ownership. The Lady Rushed back to court without an Attorney Pro Se and the judge was floored when she WON her case and Settled out of court with the Plaintiffs who were attempting an illegal holder over and ADVERSE POSSESSION They Paid her a handsome amount to move. as for the remaining tenants they all were forced out due to ignorance and a corrupt court system. Definition: Actual Adverse possession consists of actual occupation of the land with the intent to keep it solely for oneself. Merely claiming the land or paying taxes on it, without actually possessing it, is insufficient. Entry on the land, whether legal or not, is essential. A Trespass Diana L. Taylor Reporting Has this ever happened to you?
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 04:01:52 +0000

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