Has your alex jesuit jonsey suggested anything other than violence - TopicsExpress


Has your alex jesuit jonsey suggested anything other than violence and gun totting so that we can be put into marital law, has he suggested anything that would scare the NWO? Nope, but I am not here to make u follow me, if u dont see the mind phuq, then just ignore me. I see it, all hype and fear and no solutions only screaming on tv shows and ranting and not giving us any way out, enjoy that fear and the lowering of your vibration. I have no Fear, this is why Alex Jones is still alive, this is his job to put fear and cause martial law, JFK was not about that and he is DEAD. Tupac was not about just talking about Illuminati, he made songs to lower the vibration of fear and hopelessness to that of Love and Respect, he is also DEAD. Think for yourselves, like i said not here to make anyone follow, showing u the door, making u think about it, and u set yourself free if u can. today we crush what you thought you knew about the world and who is and who is not A REAL REVOLUTIONARY AGAINST THE NWO.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 17:28:52 +0000

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