HasbunAllah Wa Netmal Wakeel. Had such a polarised few days - TopicsExpress


HasbunAllah Wa Netmal Wakeel. Had such a polarised few days Wallah. Dont really know how to think or feel most of the time. While the media distracts the world with fairy tales of super dangerous IS terrorists, who are capable of everything from time travel to warp speed. Bashar Al Khanzeer is continuing to viciously murder Syrians with impunity ensured by the British, American, and Russian governments. I was in Aleppo two days back. Known as, one of the most dangerous cities in the world it certainly does precede its reputation when measured by the sickening civillian death toll. Ansari and Salahudeen are two areas where we stayed and spent time with the local doctors, field medics and aid workers. We filmed in the narrow streets whilst hygiene and food packs were delivered by a Syrian and British charity in a beautiful and couragous joint aid drop effort. SubhanAllah everytime I am back here, the place is even more eerily quite and the destruction exponentially worse. The sound of sniper fire is frequent and thuds of regime rockets almost synchronised. In the first two pictures below, you can see entire neighbourhoods completely and deliberately destroyed. Ghost towns for as far as the eye can see, still unfortunately home for the few who cannot afford to leave. Most schools have been razed to the ground by constant barrel bombings and targeted rocket attacks by the soon to be former, Khanzeer Syrian regime. The third picture speaks for itself! The fourth, I took out of sheer astonishment. A playground which doubles as a grave yard, where children can momentarily escape the reality of death and destruction from the skies. The fifth photo is of three brothers. Their family benefited from this months food packs. They smile despite the onslaught and Alhumdulillah is the first answer they give when asked how they are feeling. They strengthen their resolve with each bullet of a sniper with each bomb from the aerial assaults. The sixth picture quite frankly just goes to show the length some charities are willing to go to serve the Ummah. Shame on the chairmen/women of the glitzy international charities who cower on the Syrian borders, the secular organisations who have no concept of Amanah, the food programs from the UN charities who a rife in Khayanah. The smaller charites, European especially, are an essential lifeline. They are the ones making a sincere and concerted difference. These are the same organisations that the charity commision and the British government are trying to close down one by one. The last picture, I have censored ONLY for Awrah purposes. People need to see what a barrel bomb does to the body of a 11 year old boy. On one of the distributions, a deafening explosion from a rocket attack, immediately halted the aid drop. I was asked to film at one of the local hospitals to cover the casualties. Desperately under staffed with little or no medicine and many doctors/surgeons facing constant assasination attempts from the regime, they bravely continue to strive for the Syrian people, many suffering psychological issues themselves, from the horror of this massacre. SubhanAllah- Ya Rabb. 11 year old Ahmeds, terrified screams filled the rooms and corridors of the makeshift hospital. When I reached the operation theatre. I saw that he was shouting in pain as they were inserting a needle in his abdomen. Unable to move his head. He didnt realise both his arms had been severed. His leg was full of shrapnel and most of his body had been burnt. I dont know if he died that night, I dont know if he even knew his father and younger brother were killed in the attack. Please just think to yourself if you are unable to even look at this picture, how do people here, live with this reality everyday? No government will help them. Its not in their interest. The Ummah needs to stop this. Stop it swiftly. Dua is very powerful, but we have also been told not to just restrict ourselves to thinking bad of a situation. If we can do something physically to change it, we must! Otherwise the next time we see these people will be on Yoam Al Akhira. When they will be accouting us all. Please keep all the doctors, surgeons aid workers in your duas. They are needed very much. JazakAllahu Kullah Khair to the charities who ARE helping here. You will never fully know the benefit you are providing with your efforts. Thank you to Ibrar Relief and Development- (Aleppo Syria), Aid Convoy (London - UK) and Al Fatiha Global (Worcester - UK) for the medicines they provided on such short notice. As Salaam O Alaikum.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 15:33:26 +0000

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