Hat Tip Texas Rep. Matthew Krause who wrote. President Obama - TopicsExpress


Hat Tip Texas Rep. Matthew Krause who wrote. President Obama recently made an utterly ridiculous and demeaning comment at a campaign rally in Rhode Island. He said, Sometimes, someone, usually mom, leaves the workplace to stay home with the kids, which then leaves her earning a lower wage for the rest of her life as a result. And that’s not a choice we want Americans to make. So, the president is saying that we dont want a nation that values raising children in a loving and nurturing environment by their mother. How foolish and ridiculous. Most families, and women who stay home with kids, would tell you that it is one of the most rewarding jobs you can have. Many of them dont have to make that choice, but they do because they feel it is best for their children and family situation. (I know many fathers, including myself, who would rather take an extra job just so our wives can stay home and focus on the children) And make no mistake, it is not an easy task. As I tell Jennie all the time, I would rather work 80 hour weeks than be a stay-at-home mom to multiple little ones. I dont know how Jennie and all the other moms do it. For the president to belittle that decision and hard work with his flippant remarks again shows the error in his worldview and judgment. To all the stay-at-home moms out there - thank you for your sacrifice! Sure, you are giving up the opportunity to making money at the moment, but you are making a much greater long-term investment in the lives of your children. You have a very difficult job and do it exceedingly well. I, and many others in the nation, appreciate that choice and hope that more Americans will continue to make it for generations to come. m.weeklystandard/blogs/obama-moms-who-stay-home-raise-kids-thats-not-choice-we-want-americans-make_817807.html
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 14:47:59 +0000

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