Hate Exercising? Match It to Your Personality YOUR DAILY FIT - TopicsExpress


Hate Exercising? Match It to Your Personality YOUR DAILY FIT TIP By The Lifescript Editorial Staff Published August 08, 2013 We’ve said it before, and now science is confirming it. Your ability to stick to your fitness routine really depends on your personality. While one routine may work for your best friend or co-worker, it may not offer the same benefits for you. According to a study published in the Physician and Sportsmedicine journal, adherence to exercise lies within seven different factors, the answer to each of which can change what kind of exercise you should be doing. Ask yourself these questions and then jot down your answers: 1. Do you like to work out with people, or alone? 2. Are you an organized or a spontaneous person? 3. What is your motivation for exercising? 4. Do you enjoy aggressive sports? 5. Do you enjoy competition? 6. Do you tend to stay focused on one thing, or do you need to change up your routine regularly? 7. Do you like to take risks? Use your answers to these seven questions to determine whether you’re the type of person who enjoys working out at the gym, or if you’d rather pop in an exercise DVD at home. If you’re a sports fan and enjoy being competitive, joining an aerobics class probably isn’t going to work for you, but you’d most likely enjoy joining a community softball team. Choose a routine that encompasses your needs, not the needs of someone else. Make it perfect for you, and you’ll stick with it long enough to make real and lasting fitness gains. Want more great info? Join us! https://facebook/groups/livehealthywithpatty
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 21:05:32 +0000

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