Hate Filled Progressives... Dear Friends, It seems to - TopicsExpress


Hate Filled Progressives... Dear Friends, It seems to me, progressives are the very people they purport to hate, which points to the reason for their self loathing. Any time a conservative brings up the lack of school shootings, the lower crime rate, the better work ethic of the past, progressives claim the conservative really wants to return to slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, robber barons and rolling back woman’s suffrage. Of course that is the old tried and true method of spurious argumentation, by putting words in someone’s mouth they didn’t utter or believe, and argue against those words. It also points out that what the progressives claim to hate, bigotry, intolerance, the wealthy, the US and racism, is just part of a meme. Let’s call it the progressive hate meme. This meme plays out in the minds of progressives constantly and spreads like influenza. Hate however, is the most counter productive means to solve any problem, it is corrosive to the humanity of the hater and the person hated. Bigotry is one of the things progressives rail about the most. They really hate bigots. A progressive will scream red faced all day about how bigoted everyone in the Tea Party is. Progressives love to go on and on how terrible it is that law enforcement would profile people, anyone who puts people in a box, they argue, is a bigot and therefore a bad person. Yet progressives put everyone in a box! They separate us into groups and factions then pit us against each other. Claiming everyone in an arbitrary grouping has the exact same qualities is the very definition of a bigot. Progressives cannot tolerate intolerance. They are quick to point out that someone who they disagree with is an intolerant hater, and so the “hater” should have their free speech curtailed, so they don’t lead others astray. Progressives love to use epithets like intolerance to shut down debate they cannot win. They will go to the utmost extreme to get a Koresh removed from a park or a cross taken down from a hill, because it is so intolerable to them, they simply cannot tolerate Christian symbols in the open. A progressive will move heaven and Earth to get a CEO who made a donation to a charity or political campaign they disagree with fired, because any other perspective than the progressive’s, cannot be tolerated. Oh boy do progressive hate the rich! Well, not the already rich, but people trying to get rich. The propaganda against the “rich” is as hostile as it is sophist. Those uber rich who support progressive causes are considered the “good” rich and those very few who support our Constitution are the “bad” rich. What is always lost on the progressive, is that they are mostly members of the New Class and as such, make up 90% the top 10% on the wealth scale. George Soros gives billions to the Tides foundation and the Center for American Progress, among many others, he has bankrupted whole nations resulting in famine, economic collapse and want, and never gets attacked for his donations in the unbiased media… but the Koch brothers are demonized, even in the halls of power, for favoring our Constitution. Progressives constantly rail about inequality. They demand everyone be equal, well, not equal so much as have the same stuff, except for them. Like, Obama eats the best food but begrudges it for our children and us, they spend millions of our tax dollars on vacations but tell us to cut back, the hypocrisy they show is astounding. A progressive sees nothing wrong with going to a $10,000.00 a plate dinner, to raise funds for another progressive who will stomp down inequality with regulation, while never donating a single cent to charity. Racism is one of the progressive’s biggest bug bears. They hate Tea party members, ostensibly because all Tea party members are racists, which is of course a bigoted way of thinking. Even a cursory examination of progressive rhetoric shows who the real racists are. Progressives claim all white people are racists. You know, those bitter clingers, clinging to “their” guns and religion, in other words, typical white people. If we look back at history and the progressive heroes the loop closes. Margaret Sanger so hated African Americans she started Planned Parenthood to exterminate them. The first ever showing of “The Rise of a Nation” was played in Woodrow Wilson’s white house! Speaking of the progressive Wilson, he also penned many letters and articles explaining why women are inferior to men, the attributes of the “lesser races” among other topics modern progressives claim to hate. But they love him. Eugenics, as practiced by Hitler, was based on the progressive eugenics movement in the US. The progressive movement metastasizes every few decades and destroys our economy, standard of living, gins up hatred and civil unrest, the results of their policies are always so bad they destroy the progressive name, so the movement goes underground, rebranding themselves as “liberals,” until people who remember what the progressives stand for are all dead. Then they come back, hating everything they stand, (stood) for, and tricking another generation into thinking they are human hearted, when nothing could be further from the truth. Progressives truly are the very people they claim to hate and have always been. The really scary thing is… both political parties in the US are run by self loathing progressives. Sincerely, John Pepin
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 17:31:04 +0000

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