Hated to Loved This is the true story about a man whom God - TopicsExpress


Hated to Loved This is the true story about a man whom God established as His own, and still is being honed by God for continued service. This man got saved late in his life, and even after he was saved, he didn’t really take everything Godly serious. Then one day, he heard a preacher say; “if you want to know the truth of God’s Word, study it from the original language”. Now mind you, that sentence had to take root, before it could take over, and with the all types and different kind of objections this man had, he didn’t want to go that far. Then a God moment happened, right there in front of his face, in English letters but Hebrew words was the scripture from John 1:1. Each Hebrew word was translated into English so he actually got to see just what the Hebrew Bible was all about and a taste of the difference. John 1:1; Bereshis (in the Beginning) was the Dvar Hashem [YESHAYAH 55:11; BERESHIS 1:1], and the Dvar Hashem was agav (along with) Hashem [MISHLE 8:30; 30:4], and the Dvar Hashem is the very character and nature of God and nothing less, by nature, than Elohim in a reflection as if in a mirror! [Psa 56:11(10); Yn 17:5; Rev. 19:13] Just the slightest difference, but that difference established a hunger in this man to want to know more, and in his searching, what he learned made him even hungrier. He sat and studied silently, learning old Biblical Hebrew, and still does today, digging into every word, that he might get a better picture and understanding of who God is. He learned to seek the Spirit of truth over everything he read, and why God said things a certain way, he also learned the language does make a difference. Slowly, he began writing the things God was placing in his spirit man, the results were strange to see, and for a while, some were hurtful. It’s kind of funny, how God chooses His people, and for the life of me, I can’t quite fathom, how He makes His choices. I can look back on my life and say, this thing led to this other thing, which led to another thing, and all these things added up to God’s placement of my calling in Christ, but hey what do I know. It’s also kind of funny to watch what happens in a congregation, he’s been invited to preach to, the changing looks on faces and their ever changing posture. This man starts off like this; “I am just a man, and as a man, I don’t expect you to believe what I’m saying, but I do expect you to check out what I say with both God, and His Word”. When he is finished and everybody is showing their disdain and desire to never hear from him again, he still walks to his vehicle in peace, and with a smile in his heart that kind of shows on his face. This man was once asked about the smile, he calmly stated; “they have no idea what they’re in for”. On a nice night, you can hear him, from his open window, praying for everyone to receive what God had planted, he already knew, God was going to do His God thing, and people were going to be changed. This man makes it clear, he is no orator, yet every word that proceeds from his mouth, comes out with boldness and confidence, some might even say; it’s as if God was speaking through him. This man has had his bouts with the desire to be recognized, so he too has had to learn to fight the natural prideful desires of mankind, though it doesn’t look it and you never hear it anymore, he still fights the good fight to not let pride enter. God is continually having a profound effect in this man’s life, and come hell, high-water, or total destruction, this man will never forsake his redeemer. It’s when he is invited back to preach, he actually gets to see the fruit of his availing himself to God, in those who were angry with him and hated him, for revealing their private lives to others. He never spied on anyone, he doesn’t tell secrets from personal knowledge, and he won’t cause division between brothers, he just speaks what God places in his heart and the words God places in his mouth. Though he was hated, the first, second, or third time he spoke, there always comes a day, when the people of the church he speaks with, actually show him love. People may say they want the truth, but the fact to that is, they only want it if it doesn’t affect them. When truth starts hitting to hard at home, then truth causes an eruption of anger in people, but if like these people, whose hearts changed, they would talk with God and ask Him to remove their hurtful and or wicked ways. In the act of spiritual surgery, removing these ugly burdens, people sense a freedom and a joy, along with the peace that passes all understanding, then they get it. It is out of love that hard truths are spoken, and those same hard truths were the ones needed for that particular member of the body of Christ. It is love that set them free, just like Jesus on the cross, God the Father, out of love sent His Son the Word of God in love, to free His people from the chains and nets of satan. Jesus made it clear, if there is no Jesus, the Word of God in love in us, then how can He know us? If He doesn’t know us, then it’s too bad for our eternal rest, actually in this case, “our unrest”. Isn’t it better to believe and receive in love, than to stand on the outside, looking in, in our unrest and torment? I write these things to help all who read, and though some of these messages are really hard to swallow, I do what I do in love. Like that man said; “I am just a man, and as a man, I don’t expect you to believe what I’m saying, but I do expect you to check out what I say with both God, and His Word”. Let us all get on the right track, the track that’s shows we renew our minds daily and we study to show ourselves approved, not to men, but to God alone. In this statement is the law of God, in doing it and even sharing it in love, is the command of Christ. Isn’t it time we got hungry for the real Jesus and not the man-made, man painted Jesus, we can see by reading and studying God’s Word, every man is a liar but God alone is true, Amen!!!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 13:21:11 +0000

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