Have Legs Can Fly It all started way back in 2011 when I - TopicsExpress


Have Legs Can Fly It all started way back in 2011 when I decided to participate in the Powai Run in January 2012. Post Delivery my confidence had definitely taken a beating and despite having a sports background and exercising pretty much regularly over the years all I wanted was to be able to run the 4km continuously. I did not even think of attempting the 10K since I was not sure I would be able to train for it. Well yes, I did manage to do so and boy was I proud of myself. Next year, naturally it was time for the 10K which I ran easily in 57 minutes. Cut to 2014 when I very enthusiastically registered for the Mumbai Half Marathon thanks to a friend who eventually did not join me. Fortunately I managed to train and participate in the Pune Running Beyond myself event where I ran my very first 15K and even managed to be the First Runner Up. Ok, so what if it was only because all the “Real Runners” ran the Half Marathon leaving the berth open for someone like me. Boosted by my win I finally got in touch with Comrades Finisher Roshni Rai with whom I had connected on the Mumbai Runner Girls Group though I had never really run with them before despite following them on Facebook for almost 2 years. That first message was all it took and suddenly I met so many other women like me. With the Half Marathon not too far away and the confidence of my 15K backing me I started running regularly with Roshni. It helped that we would go to Aarey together since I had no clue about the route. For once I was taking time out for myself even justifying that my family was anyways fast asleep when I was away running early mornings. I managed to train regularly and having an experienced Running Buddy like Roshni worked wonders. In 2014 I completed my First Half Marathon in 2:05 minutes. What had started as just something that gave me some much needed “Me Time” had turned into a Passion. Of course I was thrilled with my achievement and was hoping to do a Sub-2 Half Marathon the following year. However I guess there were some other things in store. By the time we were to register for SCMM 2015 I was actually contemplating doing a Full Marathon despite having done just One Half Marathon. The fact that Roshni felt that I should and could do it strengthened my decision. I knew I could do it and would work for it once the decision was made. I was even thinking of attempting the same only because I had been into focussed running regularly for over 4 years now. After all, Running Injury Free was the All Important Factor for me. Once the registration was done I ensured I ran regularly. No excuses about Rain this year. In fact I realized I had a blast running in the Rain. Stuffing Newspapers in my shoes was all it took to dry them; Yes my very own Eureka Moment. Long Runs were sacred and I did them wherever I was whether at home or travelling. Wherever I went, my running gear went with me. Particularly in the last 3 months when the Long Run Schedule increased as the date drew near I ensured I stuck to schedule despite any other responsibilities on the Home or Work Front. Roshni was my big support giving me tips and inputs regarding diet, rest as well as regularly running with me. In the final week I rested as much as possible and read up on any Running related Material whether it was Amit Sheth’s “Dare to Run” or Parul Sheth’s “The Running Soul”- both wonderful books or simply browsing on the Net for any Running tidbits. I followed the tips religiously particularly about Diet, Carb Loading and Resting. I even managed to get a decent amount of sleep the day/night before. Well ok, I didn’t spend the whole night tossing and turning waiting for the Alarm alright. The day of the Marathon finally arrived. All set for the big race I arrived at VT with my Hubby and daughter in tow. We met Roshni along with her Runners as well a lot of others- some familiar and several new faces at the Station and proceeded to Azad Maidan. After waiting out for some time wishing everyone luck we were finally let in where we warmed up a bit and finally proceeded towards the Starting Line Up. By the time we reached the Starting Line the race just started and all of us were running. Initially it felt just like another Long Run running with my friends Roshni and Laxmi despite the crowd as we jabbered on as usual. It felt a bit hot but got better once we reached NCPA thanks to the Sea Breeze. We were running comfortably though Rosh kept saying we were going too fast. It felt good chattering on and running comfortably calling out to others as we went along. We kept sipping on water from the very beginning followed by Enerzal to keep hydrated. Post the Peddar Road Flyover, I started running with Nikhil Shah; one of the 4:45 pacer. It was fun shouting out to my friends running the Half Marathon when we crossed them near Worli. It was a pleasure running on the Sea link taking in the fabulous views. I stayed with the 4:45 Bus till the Half Way Point and then moved ahead. As I turned the corner I was surprised to see my husband and daughter. Clicked a quick pic with her and ran ahead. I was running comfortably and had picked up pace. Following the plan of alternating water and Enerzal with intermittent salted oranges and dates I was going quite smoothly. It felt great high- fiving all the young kids who were cheering for us and thanking all the Mumbaikars who had come out in full support as we ran ahead. I continued running at a steady pace till I reached the Peddar Road climb. I managed to run through comfortably thinking that it was just a little bit more to go. Hitting the Chowpatty Stretch I kept looking around enjoying the sights and the sea view. The last stretch from 36k to 40k I seemed to be running slow motion feeling it was taking a long time. I guess that’s what they call “Hitting the Wall”. I continued plodding along walking only through the Sprinkler Zones. Listening to the Bands and watching the Cheerleaders I ran ahead passing the Dream Run Participants on the Right to finally reach the turn towards VT. I kept telling myself that it was just the last 2k to go. At the last 1km where the boards started reading 1000, 900, 800 and so on I managed to push myself and run hard sprinting to the Finish line. Just before at 200m I was surprised to see my Husband and daughter shouting my name and waving at me. They had managed to be there and cheer for me pretty much throughout. Crossing the Finish Line I felt elated that I had run throughout my Full Marathon. It was only later that my husband told me that I had done it in 4:33 minutes. Gosh, what a feeling; I had run my very first Full Marathon and surpassed all expectations managing to finish 13th in my Category. So I guess my First and Only Full Marathon as per my original plan won’t be the case after all… Watch Out Runners Here I Come.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 08:26:15 +0000

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