Have a HAPPY heart Believers Parents want to give their - TopicsExpress


Have a HAPPY heart Believers Parents want to give their children everything they need. They will feed them, clothe them, keep them, keep them safe, and most importantly teach them the Word of God. Because they do all these things for their children, their children can live a life filled with joy with a joyful heart. What if someone told you that God wants the same for his children ? Would you believe it ? That is true. God gives the best for us, his children, in all categories of life. He promises in His Word to provide for all our needs according to His riches (Philippians 4 : 19). And he wants to see us happy and happy. Psalms 68 : 4: But the righteous rejoice, they exult before God, they rejoice with gladness. The Hebrew word for be happy here means to be happy. In the Bible, God tells us that we must have a joyful heart, a cheerful heart is good for our lives in different ways. Proverbs 17 : 22: A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Happy is the same Hebrew word translated be happy in Psalm 68. Medicine is defined here as a cure or cure. A merry heart makes a healthy body, it has a positive effect on our physical health. Which is another advantage of a merry heart ? Proverbs 15 : 13: A merry heart [happy] maketh a cheerful countenance: but when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken. Biblically speaking the heart means the place of life, referring to the deepest part of his mind. And our face is what appears on our faces. What happens inside, watch out. People may not be able to read our thoughts, but they can often see what is happening in our minds by looking at our faces, hear what we say, and watching what we do. Have a joyful heart, not only benefits us, but can also benefit those around us. People will see that we have a joyful heart and we are happy, and may want to have what we have. Now that we have examined some of the benefits of having a joyful heart, the question remains, how can we have a happy heart ? Consider Jeremiah 15 : 16 : I Thy words, and I did eat them ; your words made the joy and rejoicing of my heart .... Gods Word is what makes our heart happy ! The more we learn the Word of God, the more we understand Gods heart for His children. We fill our heart to the truth of the Word of God and we believe that the Word says, because God is able and wishes to achieve what he has promised in His Word. For example, we can rejoice because God says we can prosper in all things and be in good health (3 John 2), we can trust Him (Psalm 05 : 12), we can pray for him and to know that he hears us (I John 5 : 14-15), and that we can call on him in difficult times and he will deliver us (Psalm 50 : 15). The Word of God rejoices our heart, and we can read it every day ! Whether its a verse or chapter or even the time we spend with God in His Word helps us to understand why our hearts can be happy. We can rejoice in the Word we know, being convinced that God will care for us in every situation. Have a joyful heart also involves control what we think. God is love, He gave us the ability to control our thoughts and we can choose what we keep thinking like and choose what we can remove. You may ask, How can I control every thought that comes to mind ? This is a process, moment by moment to decide what we remember and what we can get rid. And a big key to help us keep verses on pure truths of the Word of God. We can fill our minds to encourage, cheerful, powerful promises of God - leaving no room for negative thoughts to linger. Philippians 4 : 08 : For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever merit approval, which is virtuous and worthy praise, or the object of your thoughts. As all of us think about the positive aspects of the Word of God, we begin to put the word in the deepest part of our mind. We fill our heart or mind with the Word of God and then decide to believe that the Word and believe. And what happens inside, watch out. We highlight in our lives the ideas and beliefs that we hold in our hearts. Proverbs 23 : 07 : Because it is like the thoughts of his heart (or his heart) .... Have a merry heart has a positive effect on our physical health, watch with joy on our faces, and opens doors to help others around us. The thoughts we hold in our hearts affect what we say, what we do, and how people see us. We can decide each day to have a joyful heart by reading the abundant promises that God has given us in His Word, hoping that what he says in the Bible is true. We have the power to change our thoughts. We thought at a time, align with what God says and believe His Word. Because parents provide for their children physically, mentally and spiritually, their children can live with joy in their hearts. Because our Heavenly Father provides for all the needs of its children, we too can have a happy heart ! God bless you abundantly !
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 22:02:23 +0000

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