Have seen so many articles from animals rights activists about the - TopicsExpress


Have seen so many articles from animals rights activists about the death of the two horses yesterday so now its time for me to have a rant. Basically, this is absolute and utter bullshit. Any person that competes in Equestrian as I used too will say the exact same thing. There are very few people who mistreat their horses in the horse world and those who do so, are criticised openly and often shut down ASAP. No one likes animals being mistreated, INCLUDING those involved in the sport. Horses have been used for centuries and centuries for a means of transport. And for me, a beloved part of my family on which I got to compete. Not to mention, I got the chance to love, care for, look after, and form a friendship with him. Any person with their own horse will tell you they are the luckiest person in the world to own such a willing, loving, and good hearted animal. To be a part of a horses life and journey is incredible. And for someone to put down the entirety of the horse world sickens me. Racehorses are elite athletes. Their breed was specifically designed for racing. Dating years back, two breeds were crossed to make the Thoroughbred for this purpose, for performance. They are trained with an eye (multiple really) on them at all times, they are fed foods specific to their own individual dietary needs, and they are endlessly having tests and vet checks to ensure their well being is at the standard to perform their task. If it isnt, they arent to perform until they are ready. (Yes I know some people do not follow the rules which I whole heartedly disagree with doing). In any sport, in anything you encounter in life, you will find bad people who do not necessarily follow guidelines, or have made a bad judgement. This bullshit of this sport being cruel is plain unfair on people like myself, my family, and my friends, who all put every part of their heart, soul, and wallet, into their horse before they even consider themselves. Again, yes some people do mistreat horses and do the wrong thing. Ask any real Equestrian/Trainer/Jockey/Stable Hand/Owner, what comes first. I can guarantee they say my horse. There are also hundreds of horses all over the world who get sold to the knackery because they are left starving in a paddock and there owners cant pay for them to survive, breeders who breed and sell their horses on when they have no room and parents who buy ponies for their children who get over them in a year and then they just sit in a paddock to eat only grass and never be cared for again. No one comments on the cruelty these animals face instead they decide to go on about two horses who were probably treated better than some people treat their children. They get stabled each night, checked every day for problems and get a good feed and a warm rug, unlike the hundreds of other horses I drive past daily who dont even have rugs in the middle of winter on their frost filled paddocks. And before anyone says I am condoning the death of the two horses Im not. Anyone who has been around horses knows how easily they spook and how its very rare a broken leg can be treated. Thats one horse who was not a victim of racing, he died in a shock accident. Admire Ratki may have been a different story all together but I feel I should leave comments to myself until the autopsy is completed and the cause of death known. I can also say the Trainer (and Strapper) of these horses would be devastated at his loss of such an incredible animal. He would have known this horse better than anyone, he would have known his quirks, his personality, and the way he worked. Theyre not animals to us, theyre family. The entirety of the horse world is not bad. I couldnt be angrier at those who say its full of cruelty. They only focus on the bad and that is truly disappointing.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 20:10:17 +0000

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