Have to write this out before I forget (a dream I had): Im back - TopicsExpress


Have to write this out before I forget (a dream I had): Im back home in California, driving down some familiar area, believing Im heading off in the direction of an old friends house (this friend no longer lives in this house that I imagined I was in direction of, but in my dream I still believed he did); regardless, I was pulling up to my ex-almost-father-in-laws house (I was once engaged to a young gal, bought a house with her when my son was around the age of two; the thirty-year mortgage lasted no more than a year, and I was bought out--my son and I moved out, the ex and I lost contact; last time I saw the girls father I was packing up my stuff, he was there, I cried, gave him a hug and apologized; he didnt say a word and refused to put his arms around me; he didnt like me, and was only there for his daughter). So in the dream, Im pulling up to his house, while thinking Im pulling up to my old friends house instead; the ex-fiancés father is drunk and passed out on the lawn. It caught me off guard to discover I mistook his house for my friends; and I was nervous when I discovered my mistake. The father came to as I approached, immediately recognized me, and to my surprise was happy to see me. He invited me in; he had drunk guests passed out in different parts of the house. Somehow in the dream the father was a famous actor (but Im not sure who). Once inside the house the father began to explain his next movie-project he was in the works with; a few other actors were there (but I dont remember which ones). The father led me to his bedroom where Rob Reiner was already there, passed out in his bed. The father sat on the opposite side of his bed and began to fill me in on the movie-details; I didnt hear because I was distracted by Rob Reiner lying there. Rob Reiner came to, and said hello to me while the father of my ex continued to talk (about a movie I didnt pay attention to; somehow the father became less important to me in my dream at this point). Rob Reiner was actually a mixture of people in my dream. I asked him if it were true that he played the character Potsie from the show Happy Days. And Rob Reiner admitted that he did; but really, the guy in my dream, was the guy who played Ralph the Mouth from Happy Days (upon waking up, I realized my mistake: Rob Reiner had nothing to do with Happy Days. He was Meathead in some other show. The only connection I could make between the two TV shows was that two famous directors emerged later on in Hollywood: Rob Reiner from All in the Family and Ron Howard from Happy Days [who had no part in my dream]). In my dream Potsie/Ralph the Mouth/Rob Reiner told me my friend was there in the house too (the original friend whose house I first believed I was driving up to); I yelled out the name Gordie! (linking my friend to the character by that name portrayed in Rob Reiners Stand By Me. (My friend, outside my dream, looks nothing like Gordie, and in fact is not that actor who played him); one strange connection though: a much earlier friend I once had (who passed away at the age of thirteen) always did remind me of the character, Gordie. Upon waking, I wasnt too sure if I was dreaming that I was reconnecting with my deceased friend from childhood. In my dream I never did see Gordie.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 01:38:31 +0000

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