“Have we indeed come to a time when our fates lay in the hands - TopicsExpress


“Have we indeed come to a time when our fates lay in the hands of a ludicrous Baron visiting the White House?” I am sure some PhDs in Egyptology, Anthropology, Archeology or Ancient Cultures/ Humanities discipline will no doubt cringe to read my simplified histories, and matter of fact citations are exploited solely as a diving platform for my Philological hypothesis. Owing to and paying due respect to Professors Thomas Shippey and his predecessor in Anglo Saxon Studies and chair at the University of Leeds J.R.R. Tolkien. Their vast wealth of insight for linguistic evolution and medieval literature far exceeds my own breadth in that field, as yours no doubt does your own in your respective area of expertise. As avante garde, cavalier, and often seemingly devoid of any sense of propriety or convention, some of my particular brand of Reynolds Wrapped, writings often seem, I do in all honesty hold an almost reverent respect for both history and etymological definition. Disrespect is never my intention unless I clearly cite and state the reasons for my contempt. Having a foundation in confirmed fact based on empirical evidence represents substance so even if I have distaste for the facts or the person responsible for enlightening me to them, due respect is both a moral and ethical imperative. Therefore, understood you may not agree with my position but I will not retaliate or attack without my target clearly violating my requirements of substance. The majority of the world is ignorant to the fact their exist Four Canon of Law, your ignorance does not influence my actions but know no longer does Humanities Law. Effective immediately I am making a declaration of war against every individual that lacks substance. If you have based your life on appearance, you use or live a lie, or you attempt to manipulate using lies or untruths without any basis in fact, you are my implacable foe and I will stop at nothing to drive you from society. This represents neither a delusion of grandeur nor the ramble of a confused mind simply the stated intent of a man who lives in a world of substance. The substance of a fan has no issue dispersing the appearance of a mist. An individual must first have self-respect and this level of respect is, by virtue, demonstrated in their actions to substantiation the claim they assert, for example: “Most people when asked to define self-respect, will attempt what they believe is a very simplistic and self-evident term, some reverting to the aggressive “duh” defensive fortress without so much as attempting to answer.” Self-respect is a misnomer and the definition apparent would apply only if the individual exist in perfect solitude. Therefore, the reality apparent in the world of substance is you not have respect for yourself but for the species that you are a part of, humanity. It is having the same respect for your fellow humans that Natures Law binds me to have for all life. I only hold myself to that standard and knowing a great many need to reevaluate their existence, there will not be time for that lesson. I am nothing special in either a religious or a prophetic sense and I have no desire of power, wealth, followers or students. I am just a man, granted an aberrancy mentally to be sure, which had the fortune to cross paths with wisdom and never questioned its importance. I am well aware my pieces are often ponderously long and seemingly adrift in a pointless, meander. If that is how you feel, then there is little hoping that I can reach you any longer and you are already attempting a rebuttal to my explanation of self-respect? Your actions define you as my enemy and of those on my friends list; there will be a few, though not many but it may be time to leave. I will feed this in short sections for as long as I can and even if I am blocked, this serial post will continue no matter how many Captains attempt to crunch it. I already know my answer to this question but now everyone must decide: “Is your life worth fighting for?” And… “Is having the liberty to answer this question without fear of reprisal worth fighting for?” No answer needed, as we will all have to prove this by action the time of talk ended. Look into the mirror, on which side do you stand? As a reflection of the delusion we are immersed in or the substance that caste and therefore creates the image of reality. “Standing in the middle is a sure way to cleave your soul in two, and half souls are no better than half wits in this world.”-Grandfather
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 00:15:37 +0000

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