Have you become a parent consciously? Some people know the right - TopicsExpress


Have you become a parent consciously? Some people know the right time to be a parent and consciously begin the process of spiritually linking to the need to care and nurture the soul. They pray, fast or appease god in various ways and call the soul to inhabit their body. The reasons why you invoke the soul is very important to begin a happy mother and child relationship. Lets look at this unique relationship which begins much before the physicality of it is felt. Some women repeatedly have have miscarriages. They desperately want a baby yet they are unable to conceive. They pray, do poojas and dream of babies yet the soul does not bless them with its physical avatar. These women need to investigate their purpose. Is it the pressure of society, mother in law or customs? Is it the need to procreate,family obligations or compete ? Is it because that its the next thing to do after marriage or just to look after you in your old age?is it because you have lost a child and so want another or you feel its good to have two children just in case you loose one. Is it because the next must be a boy child or to complete the family you must have a girl child? Is it because you want someone to call you a mother so that you can feel complete? There are innumerable reasons why people have children. Some adopt while some inherit in their second marriage while others have their biological babies. Every reason comes with a script. It comes with a story. A story in which the seed is either desire, fear, expectation, comparison, bias but very rarely love. To own our children is the single most reason for dysfunctional relationships. This is the reason for the empty nest syndrome and anger based dialogue that happens between a parent and child. If your relationship with your child is not going well, first find out the reason why you had a baby? The next step to understanding the disturbance is to know the nine months that you carried the baby. Were you depressed, stressed, withdrawn,angry, nauseaos, neglected, unloved, separated or divorced. Your mental and emotional status affects the unborn child more than anything else in the world. Take sometime to recall, the state, it may give you some insights into the disturbance present at this moment. The third is the birth history of the baby. No birth is considered normal. Every birth has trauma attached to it. A prolonged labor is distressing, a forceps is traumatic and a quick birth leaves the baby unable to appreciate delay. A breech gets a child to feel he is in the wrong place and an elective Caesarian baby feels its readiness is discounted. Find out the circumstances of your childs birth to understand the effects of it today. I write this as a the first part of a five part series to help parents who have dysfunctional relationships with their children. Do communicate to me the above three areas so that I can help you all to foster emotionally nurturing relationships and help you to move from fear and anger to love.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 02:55:09 +0000

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