Have you been an asshole at some point in your life? Worried that - TopicsExpress


Have you been an asshole at some point in your life? Worried that if you got Ebola and died tomorrow that the scales might be just a little tilted toward a hell bound eternity for your soul? Are you looking for a way to earn some brownie points on the karma meter? Well then - Karaoke By Figmo has such a deal for you... We are putting together a Christmas musical program with the children at Watson Childrens Shelter. We will be working with approx. 10 kids from Watsons and be developing a 15 minute musical program to be performed live before an audience of board members and donors. The time commitment is minimal: Sunday 12/14 at 2pm for approximately 1 hour of practice with the children. Then on Tuesday 12/16 at 4:30pm for the live performance. The payback is immense! You will be amazed at how warm your insides feel as you bring just a little Christmas joy into the life of a child who has lived mostly unspeakable sadness all year long. And whatever God you believe in will show mercy on your soul. Contact Figmo: figmo@figmo if interested. Must be able to commit to BOTH dates listed above (practice and performance). Feel free to forward this on to anybody you think might be interested.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 03:11:26 +0000

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