Have you been having Panic attacks out of no were? In the past - TopicsExpress


Have you been having Panic attacks out of no were? In the past month I have had 4 people between the ages of 26 and 30 ask me to help them due to panic attacks that seemed to come out of no were. Everything has an origin I am not a therapist I am a medium I can see where the origin of the attacks are.Panic is stored energy like PTSS generally a feeling of powerlessness and fear of the unknown.We are living in a world that is saturated with information often negative we all feel the stress of the decline of care, compassion, responsibility to each other on this planet, all of us feel vulnerable in this world today because there is a handful of people running our global market our governments that absolutely do not have the best interest of the general population at hand,or anything to do with the planet.Bad news, with no solution,and marathon with social media,struggling to be the best because if we are not the best in this world we are dismissed.This is where your panic is coming from, with each individual the area were there fear lies may be different but it is still fear of powerlessness.It sounds simple when panic feels complicated, but it is simple. Solution. Find your voice. Know your worth not what they say your worth is. Become an active part of your environment participate in making the changes that you see are needed instead of waiting for someone else to do it. Understand that just because you have voiced yourself does not mean they are going to listen.Speaking your truth is the solution and knowing when to surrender. Biggest one yet shut everything down for a period of time each day News social Media and any other brain clutter devices. You cannot possibly learn to know who you are with all of that useless noise, reconnect to your self your environment and find out where you really fit in this whole deal and what you really believe in and not all of the pointless info. they are pumping into each and everyone of us. Do not become a victim.I am not suggesting that you do not seek professional help. I am just letting you know the root of panic and that the solution may be as simple as simplifying your life and also to know that most of what you are seeing and hearing out there is not even close to the truth so I would take it with a grain of salt.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 19:02:38 +0000

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