Have you been lost in your thought thinking why you still find - TopicsExpress


Have you been lost in your thought thinking why you still find yourself in a bad relationship or marriage despite all the daily relationship updates you read on a daily basis? Have you ever question your commitment to most of my updates simply because you havent found your missing rib? Have you asked yourself why you havent succeeded with all the empowering tips you read everyday? Why are you still in the midst of adversaries till date? Why do you still find yourself kneeling and pleading at the feet of your own emotions? Let me tell you, I have only one answer and here is the answer-- YOU ARE A COWARD. So many people are only alive but not craving to live. Life has placed Mankind under two sovereign governments which are PAIN & PLEASURE, but most people are fond of avoiding pain to enjoy short term pleasure. A lot of people believe they do things or act intellectually not knowing their instinctive reactions controls their behaviors and actions in life. You may intellectually believe reaching for too much chocolate isnt advisable but you still go for it anyway, why? Because you fail to caution your instincts and emotions towards eating chocolate. Why are people persistent in a failed relationship? Its simply because they fear the unknown, they tend to go with the old proverb that says the devil you know is better than the devil you dont know. Such decision might work out and sometimes not work out. Most people are just afraid to make that solid and concrete decision because they run away from pain, they enjoy avoiding pain just to reach for pleasure not knowing such pleasure will only last for a short period of time. If you fail to link great pain to your current lifestyle, you wont take risks in life, you wont make the right decision, you wont be in a great shape to go for what you deserve. People are fully aware that smoking weakens the heart, yet they still go for at least 2 cigarettes per day, why? Because they fail to connect pain to the attitude of smoking and havent also linked pleasure to quit smoking. Why are these set of behaviors difficult for people to change? People find it difficult because they still havent produced great reasons for them to quit one behavior or the other, there are things you will never do, why? Because you have produced painful reasons not to do them. Some people will never kill, some will never stab their friends or family at the back, some will never dupe the second party and some will never settle for less. Why? Simply because you already have reasons to back up your decisions. You can also do the same to your current behavior, you can also change your situation this minute, you can also become that better person, you can also take that bold step by stepping out of that bad or failed relationship, you can take that risk today, you can still see that your favorite chocolate today and still not go for it, you are capable of turning your life around NOW. And the only way to change your lifestyle is to make use of the two governments which are PAIN & PLEASURE. Make that painful decision today and watch yourself experience long term pleasure in future. Some days back, a lady told me that she took a bold step by following my advise to leave her failed relationship and shes now on top of her world now, happier than ever. You can also do the same today, the greatest risk in life is by not taking risk at all. Experience short pain in order to experience massive pleasure in life and you will always be happy in life. If only you can step out of your current world, if only you can make that decision now, if only you can hurt yourself a little, and I am very sure you will be glad in future. Note to all....
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 08:51:45 +0000

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