Have you divorced your faith? Not just legally separated, or a - TopicsExpress


Have you divorced your faith? Not just legally separated, or a trial separation, but you have completely dissolved your faith in Christ? You knew Him, once, but now you have nothing to do with Him?.... Let me ask you, what happened? Most would say, I tried God, but _____________ happened. If He was real, that would not have happened. Another might say, All Christians are the same, if they dont police their moral rules on you, they are DONE with you. Some people have a negative taste in their mouth about a heartless parent or grandparent, who followed Jesus; and honestly, they dont want anything to do with God because they saw how it made someone close to them act. Some people just dont like to be told that what they are doing goes against the character of God; they tried Him out, and found out that they still make mistakes, so why even try. If mistakes are part of being a human, then why try to measure up to a perfect God? They know that they will never be able to, so they do what feels good. Others, look at the time they gave to God, and then see a self-righteous, overbearing preacher demote them, or tell them that they are getting what they deserve, OR, have been told that it is for Gods will and glory that you be pummeled into the ground... A church member, who did not know Jesus very well, misrepresented Him, and now you dont want anything to do with Christ. You actuallly have a DISTAIN for this person, and that bitterness has turned into you turning away from Jesus all together. But whatever it may be, you have broken it off from Christ, and now, you are wandering on your own, trying to figure out this thing called life, without God. So what happened? Is the life of Christ really all that you think? Is it for stuffy church people who never have fun, and are mean to their kids? Is it for hypocrites and blue-haired jerks? Is it just for priests who molest children? Or for drunks and drug addicts that have no self control? Why has something that is supposed to be so GOOD, publicly become so bad? Argumentative? Unloving? Ungraceful? Actually, HATEFUL? This is why: Christianity has become Jesus-free. Oh, but Matt, you are wrong! Jesus is the reason why we have so many problems! He is a virus! He is why I left my church! Why I have nothing to do with religion!..... No, Im sorry, but you are wrong. Had you truly known Christ, you would still be married to Him. Had you TRULY come to a relationship with Him, you would never turn your back on Him. No matter what YOU do, or what anyone else ever does, when you truly come to know Christ, you never give up on Him. Why? Because you know that He never gives up on you, or anyone else. Once you come to this epiphany in your Christian life, you then apply it to YOUR MISTAKES, as well as to the mistakes of others. Once you KNOW CHRIST, ACTUALLY KNOW HIM, not just think you do, not just see Him as a figure on a cross hanging up at a church; then and ONLY THEN, do you begin to see others as Christ sees you. So all of that bad stuff, from yourself, or others, is never enough for you to turn your back on God. EVER. The entire world could be crumbling all around you, and you still love Jesus; and you still know that He has your best interest in mind, as well as others, and His. So, I would say this, if youve truly divorced your faith in Christ, and this might hurt, but know that I love you as Christ does: You never really had faith in Him in the first place. ..... Now, if you are still reading, after Ive said that, I want to tell you something about myself. This was me. I was all of the above. And my life, although extremely successful on the outside, INSIDE, it was a wasteland. I had bitterness unlike youve ever known. Why? Because I did not truly know Christ. EVEN THOUGH I THOUGHT I DID, I DID NOT. It wasnt until I came to know Jesus, that my heart and mind was opened, like His, to how He sees me, and others. And maybe, this is not you. Maybe you are a Christian virgin and all this stuff I talk about is new. Well, first of all, WELCOME! Second, prepare yourself. When you have a desire to seek out Jesus, you will come under attack, by The Enemy, in almost every area of your life; especially where you are most vulnerable; and ESPECIALLY where you place your identity in. But, DONT GIVE UP! When we seek God, we are constantly being matured in our faith by bearing the same Cross that Jesus did. IT IS GOOD FOR US, FOR GOD, AND FOR OTHERS! This is how we will lack nothing, and BECOME STRONG! This is how we are being prepared for an eternal glory, in heaven, with God, forever. So today, my friends, if youve known Christ, and youve fallen away, RECONCILE. Come back! Stop placing your faith in people, and place it in Him! LOVE PEOPLE, but dont put so much emphasis on what they do or dont do, because when they fail, you will lose your faith! Instead, seek Christ on a level unlike youve ever known. The Bible says that God rewards those who earnestly seek Him (Hebrews 11:6), and you seek Him through your faith, and through the Bible! You will also have to deal with people who do not like you, WHILE you are seeking, and while you are trying to come closer to God. They will try to discourage you, and knock you off your perch, but dont let that bother you, and DONT LET THAT MAKE YOU DIVORCE YOUR FAITH. Not everyone who says that they represent Christ, fully does. They want to, but they lose sight of how graceful, loving, and hopeful that He is, and they begin to do things their own way instead. JESUS GRACE IS THE LITMUS TEST. ALWAYS GO OFF OF THAT! And if you will do this, stay married to Jesus, NO MATTER WHAT YOU FACE, I promise you that you will not only be living out your True Purpose, here on earth, but you will also be helping others, find theirs, and live it out as well!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 13:24:10 +0000

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