Have you ever been a LAYAWAY ANGEL or PAID FORWARD for someone? - TopicsExpress


Have you ever been a LAYAWAY ANGEL or PAID FORWARD for someone? You should because you never know what might happen. Today I just had a magical experience. Throughout the year, I will randomly pay forward no matter where I am. Its an instant feel good that neutralizes even the funkiest of days. Today, I decided to pay forward at a baby store filled with aisles of clothing, toys and strollers. Normally, I just tell the check register person that I plan to pay forward for someone and she plays along with me. Ill hand the clerk money and then standing off to the side, indicate who I want to pay for with a subtle thumbs up. After I see their happiness, I quickly exit. Its just the best natural high! Today, things took a turn for the unusual. At the baby store, I spotted an older Asian woman who had selected a menagerie of toys, food and clothing for a young child. I also noticed that she was protectively clutching a wad of one and five dollar bills in her hand. As she approached the checkout counter, I gave the thumbs up. The cashier then told the woman her total and at the same time noted that it was being paid for as an anonymous gift. But the woman didnt seem to comprehend, and instead continued to carefully count out every dollar in her hand in the hopes she had enough. Meanwhile, the lady behind was becoming impatient and finally blurted Are we done yet here? Im in a rush! and then began to stare down the Asian woman who was trying her best to understand the cashier who was refusing to accept her money. She also seemed oblivious to the irritated lady. I thought Ah oh. This isnt going well. Time to step in. So I popped out of the shadows, told the cashier to ring it all up, handed the woman her receipt, and told her that I was paying for her as a gift. I spoke slowly and clearly as I thought there might be a language issue. She seemed to understand and smiled, touching her heart and mouthing a thank you. As I waved goodbye, she pushed her cart my way, motioning that I come to her, and then she pulled out a small notepad and pen. Thats when it hit me. Shes deaf. She wrote Who are you? The rest of our conversation is depicted in the picture below. I simply said I am a Christmas angel for you. She wrote that her name was Wai Louie, and followed with I am deaf, from Hong Kong. I was blown away by this lovely woman. I said I had one wish, and that was if she could use sign language to say Merry Christmas. I asked if I could share that with many others who would love to receive her good wishes. She nodded an enthusiastic YES!. The video below is Wais beautiful I wish you a Merry Christmas. Oh by the way, the irritated lady who had been watching all of this, came over and apologized to Wai, and then went to another mother in line and paid forward as a gift to her. Watching this, Wai and I smiled, and shared a hearty hi-five as we walked out of that store. Good grief, loving kindness is contagious. Waving good bye, I wondered if Wai realized that meeting her absolutely MADE my day. Alright, now its YOUR TURN. What kind of creative ways do you have for giving of yourself during the holidays (or any time of year?)? Maybe this story might motivate you to wander into some store or soup kitchen or homeless mission or animal shelter or school or church and help touch a heart, or two, or three... and warm your own.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 00:04:36 +0000

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