Have you ever been beaten so hard that you didnt know if you were - TopicsExpress


Have you ever been beaten so hard that you didnt know if you were going to get up again? Have you ever been attacked so hard that you wondered if it was worth carrying on? You contemplated throwing in the towel, but just at the breaking point something inside of you made you get up and fight back. You knew the odds were against you, but regardless, you are a survivor, so you get up and you fight… you fight with everything you have. You endure countless blows but you take them like a champion because no matter what they hit you with, you will not accept defeat. This is Elise Estrada. Elise, like many of you, has been knocked down so hard and forced into the battle of her life… for her life. She was left for dead, and many chose to look the other way because unfortunately most humans would rather avoid confrontation even though their friend is under attack. That is probably what hurt the most. We all face adversity and we all have a story. Elise is not the only one. The problem with most of society, in my humble opinion, is people only want to be your friend when you have something to offer. When you are flying high everyone wants to be around you… but when you hit the bottom very few stick around. I am sure many of you can relate. Trust me on this, when you learn this fact, the world seems cold. Well, I will save you the boring details (because everyone has a story), and my Father taught me to have class, so I will only say this… This Elise Estrada #ROUND3 album means more to Elise and I than you can imagine. This album was not easy, and getting back to this point was truly the toughest challenge we have ever faced. To us, this album is about much more than just the music, its about getting up off that canvas and shaking off the punches that nearly K.O.ed us both. The songs are filled with pain, but they are also filled with strength… these 12 tracks shine a light on the past 3 years of our lives. While we were attacked, we chose to take the high road. Never trash talking and never stooping to a lower level. Just like my Dad taught me. As my Father always said, People that matter will know who you are, so dont let the outside noise distract you. So we accepted those punches with class… and I would by lying if I told you they didnt hurt, because they killed. But even in the worst of battles its important to hold your head up high and remain true to who you are, so we wore our smiles and accepted the constant barrage of bullets. And boy did we grow thick skin.. Maybe this wont be the biggest selling album in the world, but to me it is the most important one I have ever Produced, because it took everything we had inside of us to make it happen. Its also a love story, because through the blood, sweat, and tears, Elise and I stuck by each other… never wavering. We just kissed each others wounds and dreamed of… well, today. Us humans are conditioned to focus on the negative… but believe me when I tell you this… there are many positives that come along with being knocked down. Along the way we learned just how exceptional and real many of our friends are… and our team grew… We have grown strong and large. When others have an issue we make it a point to jump in the fight to protect them, as friends should. Perhaps its because we wished more would have jumped to our defense… but nevertheless, it is now my life long mission to help others in times like this. Take the Amanda Todd tragedy… the night I heard about her passing, and saw her bullies continue to disgustingly throw negative comments at her, I didnt sleep for even a minute. Nope… I knew I needed to fight for this girl because I understood her pain. If only she could have known that sooner. As I said, we all have a story and we are all faced with sh*t at some point in our lives… but just imagine if you knew you had people in your corner when the sh*t hit the fan? Wouldnt that fight be an easier pill to swallow knowing you arent alone in the battle? Well thankfully that is where we are at now. We have sifted through the transient friends and certified the real ones and we have an ARMY! This lesson and this crew makes everything worth it. We are damaged, we are the underdogs, but we are filled with even more love because its the love of our friends and family that brought us back to this point. We are appreciative, because the greatest lesson we have learned is that the world is beautiful and many, many care about us and have our backs… something that took us 3 years to truly understand. It is with great pride that I can finally announce that the brand new ELISE ESTRADA #ROUND3 Album is available on iTunes, at retail, and every other digital store in most countries around the world. If you would do us the favor of supporting this album it would mean the world to us. My eyes are filled with tears of joy as I write this posting because we did it. We are living proof that no matter how hard you get knocked down, you can and will get up again… stronger than ever! I hope you enjoy this album, and I cant thank you enough for all of the love and support. When I tell you how much I appreciate all of the love, I truly mean it because its you guys that have fueled us to carry on… so thank YOU! Feel free to share this and help spread the word of Elise Estrada #ROUND3 if you have a moment. Thank you team. Sincerely, thank you. You have no idea just how much you all mean to us.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 20:53:16 +0000

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