Have you ever been called a doubting Thomas...Where does that - TopicsExpress


Have you ever been called a doubting Thomas...Where does that phrase even come from? We are called that when we see something right in front of our face and still ask for more proof..like Thomas did in the Bible...He was a disciple but did not have the privilege of seeing Jesus after His crucifixion and resurrection even though he was one of the original disciples..when the other disciples told him what they saw he doubted and wanted physical proof which the Lord did not have to give him since Thomas knew the Lord intimately and witnessed miracles but He did...He showed him the nail marks in His hands...He knew Thomas faith was weak just as ours is at times...we can experience doubt and thats okay as long as we take steps to overcome it...we need to first use prayer so we can restore our belief...then we have to realize that we are in a daily spiritual battle and we need to arm ourselves for the attacks. The Good News is that we now have 2 things Thomas didnt...the Holy Spirit and the New Testament..by the power of the Spirit and the Word we can overcome our doubts like Thomas did once he had his proof...so we shouldnt waste precious time doubting but rather be studying and being led by the Spirit....Blessings
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 15:25:07 +0000

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