Have you ever been in the midst of a bad situation and just - TopicsExpress


Have you ever been in the midst of a bad situation and just responded the wrong way? Looking back, you wish you’d have handled it better? We have all been in situations like that. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed or not, but there is a lot of hostility in the world today! I’m sure someone has stolen from you, treated you badly, lied about you or used you and then thrown you away like yesterday’s trash. In my life, I know I’ve experienced similar hurt again and again. I’m here to inform you that on occasion, certain things don’t have to be a part of your life. Unfortunately, in this case, I can’t. Hurt really IS a part of life. People will hurt you. They will mess up, take offense, lash out or revisit some childhood trauma all directed straight to YOU. And there is nothing you or I can do to change that. You can’t control them. We all go through hard times, but you don’t have to suffer the hardship alone! Get prepared and equip yourself to navigate your way out of life’s emotional disasters and hardships with grace. Consider it your in-case-of-emotional-emergency kit! There is one thing you can control, which is your response to others. Reacting, overreacting or letting it fester are not great methods of response. If this is your method of coping with hurt and offense, trust me, you need a new one! Repeating the cycle of offense only intensifies each time you are provoked. I always search for a biblical strategy because that book has guided me through the darkest moments of my life. There are a few scriptures in Proverbs I want to share with you. “A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but the slow to anger calms a dispute.” (Proverbs 15:18) Our culture is excessively hot-tempered to the point hot-tempered has become the norm. But if you can stay in control of your anger, you have the power to CALM a dispute! Allowing yourself to be provoked will just add to fuel to that hot-burning fire. My favorite verse is in the next chapter, “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city.” (Proverbs 16:32) If you can rule your spirit, you have the power to capture a city. More importantly, no one should have that kind of power over you. Showing anger shows that someone else is ruling your spirit. It is through Him and with Him you can – and will – be slow to anger, gracious and compassionate. Without Him, you will continue repeating the same thing over and over again, while expecting people to treat you differently. Looking at the past conflicts in your life, could you have responded better? Let me know! Leave me your comments below and Like and Share today’s post while you’re there.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:37:52 +0000

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