Have you ever been late for something? Maybe that scheduled - TopicsExpress


Have you ever been late for something? Maybe that scheduled doctors appointment, maybe that important meeting that you were leading, maybe it was that bus that took you to school. No doubt we all have been late for different things at different times in our life and missed the meeting or perhaps missed school. Some of us if we are not late then we break our own ritual we are late to everything. But when it comes to God can we be running late and miss His saving Grace towards us? As long as we still got oxygen in our lungs we can never be to late for God to save us and call us His child. I look at the thief on the Cross, he was standing on home plate out of strikes and doomed for all eternity, and the Lord saved him on the spot when he proclaimed His truths and believed (Luke. 23:32-43). It is never to late for us, until we take that last breath we still have a way out. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans. 5:8) That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans. 10:9). It is that simple, just believe what He is telling us here and we will see His Kingdom. Never think that you are to late, maybe you think you have did to much bad, just maybe you think you have not did enough push-ups and not ran them three miles daily for God. It is not about what we can do, it is about what the Lord has already done at the cross for us ALL. He has pardoned us once we believe in His Death, Burial, and resurrection. That does not mean we will be perfect after we except Him in our heart, no I say! We will still stumble but we have a adversary now that we can come to and help us in those times when the roads of life seem to be shrinking and we might get side tracked. Never let the enemy discourage your walk with the lord, that is exactly what he wants to do to you. He wants to keep you in that spot of grief, guilt, and despair, he knows you are no longer his child and will do everything in his power to silence you and try to keep you quiet so he does not lose any more of his flock. I pray today that you come to the Lord just as you are, do not let your past discourage you and keep you from His saving Grace. It is not that counselor that saves us, it is not that bankruptcy attorney that saves us, it is not that life preserver that saves us! No! As the song goes In Christ alone that is the only one who can save us. Trust Him Today to forgive you of all that you did in the past and will do in the future. Rest assured the Lord knows everything about us and He knows the mistakes we have made and will make, but He said just follow Me and trust Me. He did not say be perfect and never fall, no! He said Trust In Me and give me your burdens and aches and pains. If we do that He will manifest Himself inside us and give us life more abundantly and peace like no other we have ever experienced. Trust Him Today to give you that LIFE!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 14:53:13 +0000

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