Have you ever felt powerless to help? I get those feelings every - TopicsExpress


Have you ever felt powerless to help? I get those feelings every now and then. We look around the world we live in, and notice the profound evil that exists. There are so many people in the world that are hopeless, there is no light at the end of their tunnel. As an observer to their lives, you think, how can I help this person? Get on your knees, lift your hands up to God and pray like YOUR life depends on His hearing your prayer for that person and their situation. As believers of Christ, we are to take on the burdens of others. This of course is an attribute to having love for one another...it will break your heart, trouble your spirit and your soul. It will touch you to your very core, but inside that core you have Help. You grab that person from out of the fire and you fight for them...you have the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in you...that power has a direct line to the Throne Room, to Jesus our Intercessor, and to God and His mercy and grace. When you feel the Holy Spirit calling you to action to pray for someone else, or to do whatever you are being led to do to help, be obedient and do it. I can not stress it enough, PRAY PRAY PRAY!!! God knows where you are, He meets you where your at. He listens for His children to petition on others behalf...we were created in His image. When Jesus was on the cross and about to die (for YOU), He was praying petition prayer for His crusifiers. Forgive them, Father. For they know not what they are doing. We are to live as Christ lived beloveds. Pray for one another, like your nailed to that cross with Jesus. Love one another like Christ loves you, love so much that you pray for those that cause you harm and death. Other peoples lives depend on your prayers for them. Those prayers reach all the way to the Throne Room...dont you know that? He is waiting to hear you call out to Him, in pain for others. If you dont pray for others, you need to ask for your heart to be broken for others right now!!! I am praying for you right now. Get on your knees saints...prayer changes EVERYTHING!!!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 18:19:26 +0000

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