Have you ever had an old car? Has it ever given you problems? Do - TopicsExpress


Have you ever had an old car? Has it ever given you problems? Do you just stand next to it and criticize car salesmen, car companies, or any one else? If you really need that old hoopty you FIX IT! This screwed up, messed up country is our old hoopty, and it is broken. There are people WHO WANT IT BROKEN! Why? They can wield greater power in a broken society. What did we get when the country was going through a break down in the 60s and 70s? Tricky Dick, Richard Milhous Nixon with his law and order message. Right Wing Republican demagogues and wanna be tyrants LOVE chaos. They LOVE riots. Why? Because they use chaos as an excuse to get their self serving greedy sorry asses elected! Folks, LETS QUIT FEEING SORRY FOR OURSELVES! When have Politrickians EVER done anything but to screw the poor, the black and brown community and poor whites? WE ARE AMERICA, not Just Americans. WE NEED TO CREATE solutions. Lets start by accepting that politrickians dont solve problems, they exploit them. Both The Democratic and Reprobatecon parties are full of BS! Millionaires Politrickians want one thing out of this society: more power and more money and less government regulation so that they can become billionaires. Who is going to solve Americas problems? You and me. How? We got to hold each other accountable. We got to get involved in our communities. We got to Hold ALL of these false hearted, double dealing political DEVILS accountable. We know that they are all sell outs, we know that the game is rigged, we know that there this is a party Oligarchy. LETS QUIT WHINING! Lets FIXED THIS HOOPTY! Why havent the people of Ferguson called for a referendum to remove the chief of Police? Why have they not circulated a Petition DEMANDING changes in Policing policies that allow a cowardly cop to shoot a kid and claim that he was simply doing his job? Lets get petitions drafted! Lets collect signatures! LETS WORK THE SYSTEM! Lets quit acting helpless! This frigging country was changed by a bunch of humble southern black folks, led by a Revolutionary Preacher with a tremlo in his voice, by peacefully getting in the face of a racist America and DEMANDING CHANGE!! They engaged in Revolutionary thru CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE! The same tools that worked back then can work again. PEACEFUL CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE! We did it before, and we WILL do it again. WE MUST DO IT AGAIN! Have a good cry, feel your feelings Black America. Eat your turkey dinners, visited with family. Then pop the hood and LETS FIXED THIS HOOPTY UP! What say you?
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 03:40:21 +0000

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