Have you ever had one of those, “Woah, wait a minute!” times - TopicsExpress


Have you ever had one of those, “Woah, wait a minute!” times when reading the Bible? You’re slowly meandering your way through a chapter, trying to clear your sleep-fogged head, when suddenly a verse jumps out and slaps you in the face. I had one of those moments this morning. I was making my way through Psalm 54, trying to shake off a slight headache, when I read verse 4: “Behold, God is my helper…” Bam! Bible verse to the face (in a good, sweet way). The words “God is my helper” are astonishing. Think about them for a moment. They literally change every situation. God, the God of the universe, the omnipotent, all-wise, all-loving, righteous, true, angel terrifying, sinner saving, God is MY HELPER. Woah. Woah! I am really not feeling well, and I’m really tempted to complain… but God is my helper! He can heal me, or give me the power not complain, or both. My child is not doing well spiritually, and I’m at my wits end… but God is my helper! He can melt my child’s hard heart and give me wisdom to navigate the every sticky situation. My partner on this school project is doing nothing, and I want to punch him in the face… but God is my helper! He can give me diligence, patience, and love. My kids are running around the house, peeing on the floor, and generally driving me insane… but God is my helper! He can give me an otherworldly love for these high speed children. I’ve sinned in the same way again and again and again…but God is my helper! He promises that sin will not have dominion over me. He will give me power to overcome this sin. There is no situation too great for God. There is no heart too hard for God. There is no budget too tight for God. There is no boss too difficult for God. God is your helper! He is my helper! Those four words change every situation. Do you need wisdom today? God is your helper. Do you need strength today? God is your helper. Do you need patience today? God is your helper. If God is your helper, that changes everything.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 01:01:15 +0000

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