Have you ever had the pleasure of getting to know someone that you - TopicsExpress


Have you ever had the pleasure of getting to know someone that you have never met in person? For whatever reason, your spirits connect and you feel this bond with them, feel like if you ever did meet face to face, there would be no hesitation, no awkwardness, just sitting down and picking up where you left off? The picture shown is of my friend Tina. Weve been friends for quite a while now, although our paths have never physically crossed. We have mutual friends and we are close in different ways. While Tina and I rarely chat, we support one another through little encouraging words and comments on one anothers Facebook pages. For instance, word came the other day that Tina had fallen ill. Immediately, my heart was concerned and prayers were lifted on her behalf. How sad would this world be, I pondered, if God took her on home. We are the same age and from what I can tell, have many of the same beliefs. Our biggest bond is our love for Jesus and the knowledge that you dont have to be religious to be saved. If Tina was taken on home, who would replace her--who COULD replace her? I write all of this to say that Jesus is much like Tina. I havent met Him face to face, but I know Him. I know what its like to hear His voice, to feel His presence and warmth, to see His beauty. Tina captures much of this with her camera and I encourage you to visit her site, to read her words of love and simplicity as she herself wanders through this life and shares what God reveals to her. Yesterday I wrote of the Lindas in our lives that take up too much of our time. There was a negative connotation to that. Today, I share with you the Tinas in our lives and the implication is that of a positive nature. Whether they are your bingo buddies, your sisters in Christ that you do online studies with (like the recent GirlfriendsInGod or Living Proof Ministries with Beth Moore studies I have done) or just someone that God placed in your path once or twice that you have somehow bonded with and now rely on for your own needs of affirmation and concern, lets be grateful for our Tinas. Why? Because they are tiny little versions of our God Whom we have not seen but love because of the love they show to us. They are His gifts to us and we should treasure them. Lets pray! Oh God, how sweet You are to give us Tinas. Yeah, we are grateful for the Lindas too, but we really like and prefer the Tinas. Thank You for showing us that we arent in this world alone, that there are others out there who feel, who think, who embrace life in the way that we do. They encourage us to take those chances, to live the lives we dream of, and to show us that its okay to fall down once in a while--as long as we get back up, dust ourselves off, and laugh, yes laugh that that experience didnt break us. It might have left a scar or two but oh what a story can be shared because of it! Oh, my heart was just convicted of my sweet friend Linda that I hope did not misunderstand my blog yesterday, that I just pulled that name from my head, thanks to Conways song popping up, that my blog was NOT about her. Sigh. Thank You for gentle reminders to be more careful of the words I write and say, Lord Jesus. I only want to be an encourager, not a deflater. Help me, I pray, to keep my eyes on You, to guard my tongue, and to be a Tina. I ask these things in Jesus name. Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 10:20:47 +0000

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