Have you ever heard a symphony? With all the instruments playing - TopicsExpress


Have you ever heard a symphony? With all the instruments playing together but often with different notes, it builds such an immense, beautiful sound. But the instruments have to be shaped different to get that kind of full, rich sound. If all the instruments were shaped like a trumpet & played the same note, what kind of sound wid that b? Probably a little overwhelming. Or what if they were all violins? Even as beautiful as the violin is, it needs the grounding bass of the cello, the rhythm of the drums, the high timber of the flute to balance & contrast its haunting sound. It’s the same with us. God shaped us the way we are on purpose. Psalm 119:73 says, Your hands made me and formed me. We may not be a violin; or the bass drum. & we may look at the other instruments & wish we were more like them. Why can’t I be the flute? But God made us just how we are to bring great glory to Him. Don’t try to be like the others that u are not made to be. Be who u are. How do we do that? is to have peace in who God made us to be to settle with it & thank Him. Romans 9:20 says, “Who are u, a mere human being, to argue with God? Should the thing that was created say to the one who created it, ‘Why have you made me like this?’” The right heart response in Isaiah 64:8: And yet, O LORD, U are our Father. We are the clay, & U are the potter. We all are formed by ur hand.we can rest assured that God is pleased with how He made us, we are not a mistake. Take a moment & thank God for how He made u. Then ask Him what sound He created u to make for His glory. ur sound may just be the one the symphony needs to balance itself out. ur sound may be the one that is going to draw someone to come &hear the symphony of God.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 08:21:43 +0000

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