Have you ever heard of MPSIII B? It is a fatal life diminishing - TopicsExpress


Have you ever heard of MPSIII B? It is a fatal life diminishing disease. Two parents have to carry the recessive gene, and 1 out of 4 of their children will either be a carrier or have the disease. With a heavy heart, there is a family right here in Huntingdon County who are dealing with this, George and Samantha Boyd. When George and Samantha started their family, they had NO way of knowing that each one carried this gene. This young couple imagined having a gorgeous HEALTHY family just like you or we did. They have 3 amazing children, Alex, Max, and Isabella. Alex was the first child earlier this year to be diagnosed. Just this past month they found out little Isabella too has it. Max is a carrier. Here is the mental/emotional turmoil. We can’t imagine losing anyone of our own children, let alone watching one a small child struggle and pass away, but the Boyd’s prognosis is they will be watching two of their children go through this. Our thought process is “how on earth are these two amazing young parents going to go through this?” Here is one thing we do know, just from living experiences, WE ALL need support. So we am asking/begging/pleading whatever you want to call it, is for YOU, ALL of HUNTINGDON COUNTY to support them. We truly KNOW that each and everyone of us have or had to deal with our own struggles, some of us have had to see our own children struggle with illnesses and tragedies that at times seems to much, some have lost a child or a loved one through tragic circumstances, whether an accident, an illness, or unforeseen event, BUT we are still here. So we believe that we have survived these events so we can support/encourage others that they too can survive this. Our mission statement on this is very easy for us, it is very clear, WE want EVERYONE to go to their church, go to their schools, go to their clubs, go to their family and friends, go wherever they can be heard and encourage others to show support to this young family. A group of us, just ordinary folk, got together and decided on a fundraiser, a FULL weekend, to show the Boyds how we will be there for them… We came up with a Community Cares: Benefit for the Boyds. Kristin Shields is working on a page right now, pamphlets are going to be made, posters, and so on… the venue is a whole weekend of FAMILY community fun. We are going to invite crafters/flea marketers, artist, have a children’s area, from face painting to dime toss, to whole family fun activities from bean tossing to horse shoes, to possibly three legged races.. You don’t have to sit back and say “what can I do?” You can say to yourself and your family and friends “What are we going to do!’ The weekend is going to be Oct 18-20th the place is going to be held at is the Lion’s in Mill Creek. We would love to see from fireman’s organizations, school groups of all ages, churches, to organizations, to show up and not only give the Boyds the encouragement and support, but to show our small county, the whole entire county, that no matter what is going on, if you truly need help, we are there for you! The skeptics will say this only happens in the movies, well we don’t believe that. We only hinted around on face book of what was in the works, and we have over 200 pm’s, posts, and phone calls asking me what they could do… With this type of venue there will be lots to do, when the Lion’s were approached it was unanimous that they were on board, “whatever you needed is what they said.”, so this small group of people would like to extend this invitation to YOU, please help us show and give the Boyds the support. If you are interested in setting up as a crafter/flea marketer, as a group with an activity, would like to perform, would like to just represent your group/church/family. Please contact us. We are the very first stages of setting this up, so as we find out more, we will so let you know who to contact. If you would like to volunteer with organizing and maintaining this event please don’t hesitate. Dates: October 18th, 19th, and 20th. Place: Lion’s in Mill Creek We close this with a prayer, and for my non Christian friends view it as a thought, I pray: Dear Lord, that You show mercy and perform one of Your amazing miracles and heal this entire family. Please heal both children fully, please hold both of these amazing parents in your hands, show them through US your children, that You have guided us here, put us in their path so we can support them in everyway possible. Amen
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 14:58:24 +0000

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