Have you ever known true terror? Well, I will tell you this my - TopicsExpress


Have you ever known true terror? Well, I will tell you this my friends, I have lived it this very night, and luckily I have survived to tell you the bone chilling tale.. Imagine if you will that youre laying in bed reading your Kindle, and your poor tired eyes have had enough of See Spot Run for the night. So you set it aside, turn off your lamp and settle down to sleep. Just as you are seconds from dozing off into the welcoming pitch black darkness of sleep, a voice mere centimetres from your ear whispers menacingly, Instead of a Dark Lord you shall have a queen, more beautiful and terrible than the DAWN!! Well ladies and gentlemen, Im not afraid to say I near shat the bed, as my body levitated three feet off the mattress in horror. So yeah, near midnight is not really the best time for your Lord of the Rings obsessed partner to be quoting lines from the movie, in the pitch dark and using what sounds like a menacing yet somewhat posh English voice. #allthelightsonnowandarmed #onewaytickettomordor
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 23:55:51 +0000

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