Have you ever met somebody who lets one hobby or opinion or trait - TopicsExpress


Have you ever met somebody who lets one hobby or opinion or trait they may have become their identity? Like, their entire identity. Im a/an ______! I think about ______, post about ________, talk about ________, they are my life! I have no personality outside that trait whatsoever!!! Fill the first blank with words like juggalo or feminist or stoner, then fill the other blanks with related words/topics. Well use feminist as an example. Im a -feminist-! I think about -feminism-, post about -misogyny-, talk about -the patriarchy-, it is my life! I have no personality outside that trait whatsoever!!! You see what I mean? Its as if they threw away their self and became another unit in some feminist hive mind. People are supposed to be free thinking. They are supposed to be individuals pursuing happiness, experiencing new things, bettering themselves and the world around them, not some cog that fits into a machine that makes all the decisions for them. I wont let one thing dictate how I should live, regardless of what trait it is.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 03:55:00 +0000

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