Have you ever noticed that people tend to treat others like they - TopicsExpress


Have you ever noticed that people tend to treat others like they own them? I have noticed far too many times, in families, relationships, even sometimes in friendships that people seem to believe they have the right to treat people however they want without any awareness of the consequences of their actions. With families for instance, a lot of times we are made to believe that we cannot question our parents, that they know everything and we as children know nothing so therefore what they say is law and if we disagree or disobey, we are punished. Isnt it any wonder that so many people in our country have such a hard time making decisions for themselves? If you are constantly being told what to do and how to think, how will you ever learn for yourself? This can then carry on to relationships. Were together and you have to love me and accept me however I am so I can do what I want and you have to just take it because thats what love is, seems to be the mentality a lot of the time. People DEMAND to be loved and respected when we damn well know that doesnt work. Can you see how if you grew up with parents like that why you might have relationships the same way? We already know that no one is perfect, that no one has all the answers, so why would we ever believe we had the right to emotionally manipulate and abuse the ones we love. We forget too often that the people around us are OTHER HUMAN BEINGS. Every single interaction could hurt or heal another and yet we spend so much time running from ourselves we tend to take it out on everyone else. We do not own each other. We do not even own ourselves. If you feel a lack of control in your life, there is something in yourself you need to look at. Controlling others only does damage to others and in the long run, yourself.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:14:04 +0000

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