Have you ever noticed that the Devil hates it when the Lord - TopicsExpress


Have you ever noticed that the Devil hates it when the Lord blesses us. This past week has been full of blessings and frustrations. Tonight I sat and started hosting another one of my Poor Me parties. Guess who showed up again with another gift for me? I love how God is so patient with me. He lovingly guides me through lifes trials without punishing me for getting down. The lesson He taught me tonight is one that He has already shown me but Im glad He reminded me of it. This lesson involved a bed and a pair of shoes. As many of you know, Joe is now sleeping in a hospital bed. Due to the size of the room, I have been sleeping on a twin mattress set, on the floor, beside his bed. The first week or so everything was fine but then the mattress collapsed. It now has a built in hole for your bottom. :-) Now before you feel too sorry for me, Ive had this mattress since high school. You know the saying, They dont make them the way they use to. Well thats true. Now that the bed felt like a cheap hammock, my back didnt like it. I was now in need of a new bed. (The Devil working.) Angel and I went shopping for a bed on Sunday. We found one and it was on sale. (Thank you Lord for this blessing.) The sales clerk then informed me that they were out of the one I picked and it had to be ordered. (The Devil working.) He said the bed would be delivered Saturday between 10 and 1. One purchase off my list, now onto a pair of shoes. As many of you know, I hurt my foot again and had to go back into my boot. Last week I went on a hunt for a new pair of shoes that I could wear without causing my foot to hurt. I found a pair of shoes at JCPenny. I was so excited. (Thank you Lord for this blessing.) Unfortunately, they only had one pair of size 7 and they had been sewn weird. (The Devil working.) The store offered to order me a pair and said they would be $20 cheaper to order them. (Thank you Lord for this blessing.) When the shoes came in, I couldnt wear them because they hurt my foot. (The Devil working.) The other day I went to Dillards and bought myself 2 pairs of shoes that I loved. Yesterday I wore my new black pair of shoes to work. At the end of the day, I was still pain free. (Thank you Lord for this blessing.) When I got home and took off the shoes I noticed that one was broke. (The Devil working.) I took the shoes back today to get a new pair and they did not have my size. They said they could order me a pair. When I got home I was greeted with a surprise. A dear friend of mine had made me two beautiful cows to put in my yard. (Thank you Lord for this blessing.) This evening I received a call from the mattress place informing me that there was a problem with my order and I would not have a bed until next Thursday. (The Devil working.) Do you see a pattern here? I hung up the phone and started hosting my party. I was so frustrated that I didnt have a new bed nor a pair of new black shoes. I asked God to help me deal with these things and I got out my Bible. Then He showed me these verses. Matthew 7:25 Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more valuable than clothes? God reminded me that I still had Joe. It was God that had made the cancer smaller. He had made if possible for Joe to walk out of the hospital a few weeks ago. God showed me that I should stop worrying about the little things and concentrate on the important things like His love for me. With this, my pity party was over and I hosted a Thank you Jesus party :-) So when you feel overwhelmed by the little things in life, remember that God loves you. He wants you to concentrate on the bigger things. He has blessed you with the people in your life. Love them and enjoy each day that God gives you with them. Remember, you are blessed and the Devil doesnt like that.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 06:44:21 +0000

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