Have you ever one of those days when you realize that you get it? - TopicsExpress


Have you ever one of those days when you realize that you get it? You are becoming more and more aware of Who God is; What God does; How God works and wants us to work? Well 2day is that day for and I pray you either had your day or it is coming. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 speaks to US about The Family Influence Good or Bad! Proverbs 22:6 tells us, Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it. What a great responsibility this places on parents. Records of royal lineage (1 Kings 15-16) illustrate that ones level of submission to God is often mirrored in the offsprings life. I am beginning to see it and understand it, what about you? Now, its true that OUR children eventually grow and make their own decisions. There are godly parents who are heartbroken by their kids poor choices. Similarly, some from backgrounds full of sinful bondage become righteous people of integrity. As mothers and fathers, WE are given a momentous task: to model and teach how to live according to Gods Word. Thankfully, WE dont have to rely on ourselves for wisdom. Good parenting involves prayerful self-evaluation, godly counsel, and thoughtful course corrections. WE MUST start by considering how WE would answer the following questions if OUR children were to walk in OUR way: What place will Jesus, the Word of God, and the church have in their lives? Will they seek Gods direction as the ultimate guide for decisions? Will they develop strong godly relationships? Will they know how to handle money wisely? Will they do their best in their vocation? As WE seek answers, ask God to reveal truth, since self-examination can be difficult. In prayerfully considering OUR impact as a parent, expect to see positives and negatives. The goal isnt self-condemnation, so keep in mind 1) theres no perfect parent and 2) its never too late. Even if OUR kids are grown, WE can ask forgiveness, share what Weve learned, and model a godly life starting now. Amen
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 19:26:40 +0000

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