Have you ever read the original Democrat Party Platform? The - TopicsExpress


Have you ever read the original Democrat Party Platform? The original included language to protect their so-called right to force people into slavery. The original Republican Party Platform was to abolish slavery. --- Democrats responsible for the K.K.K., Jim Crow, Dred Scott, revocation of civil rights, denial of 40 acres and a mule, segregation, anti-miscegenation, and eugenics! You KNOW that was the Democrat Party. The Democrat agenda is still the same: to make us subjects of the state. Your [Democratic] Party was the Party that was fighting to keep chains on blacks in the FIRST place. Democrat position dont amount to freedom. Democrats have actually enslaved too many in the black community with welfare. And the Republicans have been trying to break the chains of welfare, just as the Republicans fought to break the chains of slavery when the Party was founded. Democrats would bomb black churches, release dogs and open up fire hoses on blacks, and use clubs on em. DEMOCRATS LYNCHING BLACKS --- AND LYNCHING WHITE REPUBLICANS, TOO, FOR DARING TO STAND FOR BLACKS Dont cast your pearls before swine -- Dont attempt to enlighten Democrats with the light of true facts. Liberals are ignorant.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 03:14:24 +0000

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