Have you ever stood in the grocery store, looking at two items one - TopicsExpress


Have you ever stood in the grocery store, looking at two items one is the brand name and the other generic and wondered which one to buy? You know that the brand name should be good but cost so much more. The generic looks the same, it has the same ingredients so the label says but is the taste the same oh and then the price well it is a lot less. So you contemplate on which to get. You finally decide to try the generic you get it home and realize that it is just as good and sometimes better than the brand name. (oh dont get me wrong some are not worth the pennies you save). Well that is how life is too. We contemplate on whether we should maybe change jobs, one is with a big company lots of money but a lot of pressure too. The smaller company offers things the big one doesnt, not as much money but you see and talk to some of the other employees and they seem so happy. You finally decide and life goes on. We are in these situations all the time having to choose. What we need to do is sort out the brand or best in life and the generic or average things. Take a look at them from all sides good and bad. We need to realize that we dont really need the best in life to be happy we need to focus on what God wants and needs us to have, then we know we will be happy. Take a look around you at people you think have all the best things, are they happy? maybe what you see is a happy person but do you know for sure that their life is the best and happiest it can be. Let God show you what you need in life, not just the material earthy things that eventually will be gone but the really important things in life. Dont focus on needing the brand name life when the generic one is what will truly make you happy.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 10:12:29 +0000

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