Have you ever thought about ending it ? Do you question the - TopicsExpress


Have you ever thought about ending it ? Do you question the statement that God will not give us more than we can handle in the physical realm? Living with chronic illness takes everything weve got some days .. It wasnt surprising to learn that Robin Williams had recently been diagnosed with Parkinsons disease. It may have been the last straw for him and I believe that there are many people in this world who have empathized with his situation in the last few days .. This may also prove to enlighten more people to the prospect of what its like receiving a diagnosis, living with a chronic illness and the impending doom that it might get worse .. and will we be able to handle it ? Will we be a burden on the people around us ? Although the media focused on depression in the Williams case, it seemed to some of us that there was more going on there .. There is ALWAYS more going on ... always more than meets the eye .. so why is anyone surprised when a wake up call occurs .. Invisible illness and even visible illness is something that nobody can understand unless they have it and live with it on a daily and constant basis .. The reason that we stand for more accurate awareness for fibromyalgia here is many fold, and because when a person is misdiagnosed, there could be another illness that is being missed.. To just throw around a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, depression or anything else can be dangerous .. and that is just one reason we work hard for awareness here at LSWF .. Many of us who loved and grew up with Robin Williams wish that he would have done anything other than the choice he made that day .. Yet we do not really know ALL the details .. only God does.. Another phrase I like to say here... We never know whats around that corner Meaning trusting in our greater magnificence ...realizing that our life is not our own and having the smallest amount of faith ... Its all we can do ... Life is short ... and sometimes that may be a relief to some when living with a chronic illness, but other times, we wonder how much more we can endure? Lisa. FG.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 00:30:40 +0000

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