Have you ever walked towards your keys, and the phone rings, and - TopicsExpress


Have you ever walked towards your keys, and the phone rings, and you TOTALLY forget about your keys? Then when you finish your call, you forget what you were looking for? Youve been HYPNOTIZED!!! You may know that the work is an appropriation of methodologies. One of those methodologies, rarely discussed, but obvious to those who understand it, is hypnosis. While hypnosis is OFFICIALLY denied, you were spoken into a mild hypnotic trance to disappear aches and pains, to understand that the world is as afraid of you as you are of it, to understand what is on the other side of experiencing your fears, to get to empty, and to get to meaningless. We walk around in a state of hypnosis every day. Everyone does it. Few people realize it. We were born into it. At best you KNOW when you are hypnotized. We walk around, listening to our inner voice, the Critical Factor, that analyzes and makes decisions, is right and avoids being wrong, looks good and avoids looking bad, dominates and avoids domination, validates itself and invalidates others. And there is a BARRIER between IT and your Subconscious Mind. The PROBLEM is the Subconscious Mind is the one that has the program of your being. So, to reach the core of your very being, and create a life you want from being, rather than from force like when you are listening to IT, you have to program your Subconscious Mind. This is one of the reasons why your diet and all your positive thinking arent working; the brain is operating at the level of IT (the Critical Factor) and is BLOCKED from the Subconscious Mind. SO, how do you train your Subconscious Mind? The fastest way is prepare yourself for your intended outcome when IT is switched off; when you are groggy and falling asleep, or when you are groggy and waking up. The next best is hypnotic induction, which is what you underwent when you felt every part of your body and disappeared the sensation of it. Hypnotic induction is typically a blunt distraction (the phone ringing while you are looking for your keys) or relaxing yourself into a groggy state (Pattern Interrupt, Glitch in The Matrix). The one we are going to talk about, and the MOST DANGEROUS, is repetition. This is by force. This is white knucklling it. What you allow and keep in your life will ingrain into your subconscious. Whatever you resist, persists. And it must. Because you are resisting it. It is there in the space, but you are pushing it out of the space, instead of accepting it being in the space. So what you tell yourself over and over -> Subconscious What you see/hear/read over and over -> Subconscious The political party you support -> Subconscious Your want/lack/poverty/helplessness/loneliness -> Subconscious So ALL those banners on Facebook, and all the T-Shirts and Bumper Stickers with all those Inspirational sayings that talk about a WISH or LACK or WANT or WANT SOMEONE ELSE TO BE or HOW THINGS ARE NOT RIGHT NOW... They are ALL programming your Subconscious to produce JUST THAT! You are declaring the Banner, T-Shirt and Bumper Sticker into your life. I want a woman/man who, I wish, When I, Someday, If only, A real man/woman should... -> Subconscious. You are declaring your life to always WANT and never HAVE. Those darn Republicans/Democrats/Obama/1%/99%/Health Care/Immigration/Minimum Wage... -> Subconscious. You are DECLARING an undesirable condition into your life. When you get to Empty, Meaningless, Cause in life, YOU create your world. YOU are responsible. YOU get to declare what your subconscious hears. YOU get to declare your being. The difference between coming from nothing and white knuckling is that when you come from nothing, you get to continually reset your mind, so you BE what you want, which is fun! White knuckling gets the same result by force, but you are continually fighting and resisting what is so until you change it by force. Not so fun. Its YOUR life! What possibility are you being?
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 18:07:40 +0000

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