Have you ever wondered what has happened to the Christian church - TopicsExpress


Have you ever wondered what has happened to the Christian church in America? In general, the church used to stand up for truth, justice, and the Bible. Today, there is way too much politics involved. Why have Christians seemed to lose the power of God and the courage to fight evil and call a spade a spade and sin a sin? I think we find the answer here in Galatians chapter two where Paul says We did not give in to them for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you. Do you see it? There were people in Jerusalem who were perverting and polluting the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul knew if he gave in to them and just tried to get along for the sake of peace, then the truth of the gospel would NOT be preserved for the millions that still needed to hear it. In short, compromise with the world simply dilutes the truth of God and de-powers the church and renders it useless and good for nothing in Gods eyes. In our personal lives, compromise with sin only weakens us spiritually and keeps us from being the light of Christ and truth that those who are unbelievers need to be saved and go to heaven. The stakes have never been higher! A church that compromises with the things of the world that the Bible says is evil has utterly failed to accomplish its mission on this earth.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 12:44:08 +0000

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