Have you found your whyin life? Most do not believe this story - TopicsExpress


Have you found your whyin life? Most do not believe this story when I tell it, but its short, simple, sad and 100% true. When my son was less than 9 months old I was shall we say uneducated to the dangers of Western Medicine and the medical system over all when it came to non life threatening situations of how they treat simple things like colds, flus, viruses, depression etc.... BUT, unless I would have witnessed this for myself I never would have believed it and I found my why in life about 15 years ago. After my sons routine vaccinations a lady with a white coat and a huge needle (I can still see the size of it) came in and sat down next to my son (he was still crying from the doctor vaccinations), looked at me holding this needle and said Mr. Lifer, we would like to try an experimental vaccination on your son? Now, mind you, again at that time of my life I had 0 training and no knowledge of the cartels called Big Pharma and the western medicine drugging machine but I can tell you I looked at that lady and said It will be a cold day in hell before you try any experimental anything on my son! I knew that day something was seriously screwed up with our health care system. Folks, I am here to tell you, they are NOT about healing, they are about control, mind numbing, and population control through an endless pharmacy of drugging............... I have a site for you to pass on to absolutely every one you know. nomorefakenews I met Jon about 15 years ago and there are few in the entire world who has seen more cover ups and corruption when it comes to medicine and health care. Its simply to Awaken everyone to the dangers. Please DO NOT allow your children, anyones children to be vaccinated. I can tell you I have had more than one run in with ignorant school board members claiming my son and daughter must be vaccinated to go to school.. WRONG! Keep the Awakening alive and well.... Together in unity we can heal, in singular we fall.....
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 16:31:06 +0000

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