Have you heard it all before? “XYZ is the next big thing - TopicsExpress


Have you heard it all before? “XYZ is the next big thing and for small investment of only $$$, you too can be rich in no time.” Have you tried it all before? You’ve serial enrolled in direct and multi-level marketing programs hoping to find that one upline who will give you access to the secret of obtaining wealth and leisure. Have you burned all your traditional bridges? Friends and family begin scouring the room for available exits when they see you coming and your barber all but refuses to cut your hair. Do you still have a dream and the passion to make it come true? Visions of paid in full student loans, great cars and island vacations still dance through your head. Do you dismiss them as fantasy because you don’t know how to make them come true? And besides, one more roll of the dice might result in your spouse committing or worse divorcing you. Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but that’s how it feels; I know, because I’ve been there too. The frustration and confusion can be crushing and many would be entrepreneurs abandon their dreams in resignation. I nearly did, but then I found a few powerful marketing and communications professionals who were willing to share their knowledge and experience with me. The tools I’ve been given and the tactics I’ve been taught have allowed me to share my remaining time here by introducing our proven successful system to all who are somewhat open minded enough to see if it could do the same for you. I’m not filthy rich and may never be; I am financially stable (completely independent). And isn’t that what we all want? The money and freedom to give our loved ones some of the finer things in life? I don’t have any pie in the sky to sell you. Working with me will not make you instantly wealthy, but with my help and our proven system, you systematically and consistently improve your financial situation. I will share with you everything I know to help you grow the stability and freedom you deeply desire. “Grow” that’s an important word; building a business is a growth process. If you understand that and are committed to investing the time and energy necessary to nurture an acorn into an oak; then I am committed to walking with every step of the way. I believe in you and in your ability to make your dreams come true. If you’re still reading, I know you’re wondering what’s the catch and what’s it going to cost me? Well, a restaurant franchise could cost a million or more in capital plus a commitment of 12 – 16 hours a day 7/365. All that and annually you may net 100K per year. The cost to start your business with us is zero, nada, zilch. In addition, there optional business packages starting as low as $130.00 US. If you want to have access to the most comprehensive marketing and training program in the network marketing industry, you can inspect and try it for a month for less than $20.00 US. Plus, this system asks for 8 – 10 hours per WEEK and the financial profit that is being proven every day by thousands of people just like you to EXCEED 100K per month. Yes, there’s a company, a program and even/especially a great compensation plan, but there is NO cost to get started and NO monthly charges to maintain your membership and distributor rights. No, you didn’t misread; you get a turnkey business and a seasoned coach who is invested in your success all for a total cost of ZERO dollars and ZERO cents. Whatever financial costs that are illustrated are purely OPTIONAL. They are in place to assist you in building a thriving business in as little as 12 weeks, or less. If you are not concerned about building rapidly, you can do as I did. Start with 0 cost and build slowly and let profits pay for any expense incurred. Do this now! Decide if you are ready to commit your time and effort into making your dreams come true. If the answer is yes, click the link karatgroupsite/rrowe-4.html , provide your contact information and expect a phone call from me. And don’t worry; I won’t have you listing your friends and family. I’ll provide you a step-by-step plan for building your network , your professional relationships and your business without risking the wrath of those you love. I look forward to hearing from you soon; together let’s develop your talents and manifest your dreams.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 09:23:43 +0000

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