Have you heard so much about it you lost interest? Has what you - TopicsExpress


Have you heard so much about it you lost interest? Has what you heard been so hopelessly complicated you have given up? Here is all you need to know and all there is to know about the subject. Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. There you have the sum and substance of the entire conflict. Everything else you have ever heard about it is nothing more than trying to avoid this very simple and obvious expression of the entire conflict. The Jews, euphemistically called the Zionists or the Israelis, did in fact steal the land from the Palestinians. They actually bought and paid for at most 9% of it. In 1948 they took over 73% of it. Do the math. They expelled 750,000 Palestinians from their land and stole it. Most of the 200,000 or so they did not manage to expel were driven off their land into ghettos and their land was stolen. If you are not a Jew in Israel you have as much chance for justice as a Black in the South a century ago. You may have heard the Palestinians did not really own it but rather landlords in Turkey or Egypt owned the land and the Palestinians just rented. I do not know where this quibble is supposed to lead. It is an admission of theft. The only disagreement is from whom it was stolen. Beyond the who it was stolen from being a silly argument, Israel passed a set of absentee owner laws. Because of them the government ownership of the land increased from that maximum of 9% to 92%. The very existence of the absentee owner laws demonstrates the legitimacy of ownership and the fact of theft. Using the color of law to steal merely compounds the crime. Additionally those who attempted to return to their property, who attempted not to be absent, where murdered as infiltrators. This was often a cottage industry and the owners were given the privilege of digging their own graves before being murdered by Jewish vigilantes. You may have heard the holy holocaust made it necessary. Problem with that is the plans to steal someones land were laid before Hitler was born. The decision to steal Palestine was made before the first world war when Hitler was just a struggling artist in Vienna. The open use of violence by Zionists started while Hitler was in prison for the Beer Hall Putsch and writing Mein Kampf. But even after their holocaust, does that mean Palestinians have to suffer? If there was a case to be made based upon their holocaust they might have a strong case for claiming Bavaria or some other part of Germany. Historical claims, real or biblical, have no standing in society. If they really believe their god gave the land to them then they have a gripe with their god for taking it away from them. They have no complaint with the Palestinians. Besides, the Palestinians are simply people whose ancestors were Jews but converted to Islam. No, the UN did not give the land to the Jews. The land was not the UNs to give. The UN only recognized the Jewish government of Israel while demanding the return of the Palestinians to their land and property. Sovereignty is not ownership. There are dozens of other transparent arguments which try to cover the simple facts of Jewish theft and the stolen private property of the Palestinians. They are all attempts to divert the discussion from these two simple facts. 1. Jews stole the land. 2. The owners want it back. Be diverted if you wish. But never say it is more complicated than those two simple statements. giwersworld.org/opinion/9-words.phtml
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 08:27:48 +0000

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