Have you plateaued? We all do. When it happens to me, I go - TopicsExpress


Have you plateaued? We all do. When it happens to me, I go back to the basics and for me, that means being diligent. Diligence: One definition for it is the virtue of hard work. Diligence, in fact, is actually one of THE seven virtues so I’m not only one who thinks it’s important! I know you all think you ARE working hard, but if you’ve stalled on your climb to improve, try re-booting your approach and think like a newbie. When I arrive in the early morning to open the Ballard gym, there’s one relatively new member who’s usually already there waiting for me. When was the last time you were so ready to improve you beat the coach? This guy didn’t necessarily have the look of your typical athlete when he started, and as a coach I had the usual concerns. New members usually find it awkward to learn most of the tasks that are typical to Crossfit and to do them safely. A beginner has to be checking form constantly. They have to push, push, push or wash out. They have to get better or die. As the weeks have gone by, this new guy’s been resolute about overcoming the difficulties. He’s been coachable. He’s listened and he’s kept the desire to do well at the forefront. You, too? His body is changing. His stamina is beginning to carry him through each WOD. His strength has increased. He’s becoming efficient in the movements. Other members are taking notice of his sheer determination to excel at something that doesn’t come easy for him. He’s inspiring all of us to take our game up another level, even if that means doing a mental re-check of what our current level is. He’s done all that and he doesn’t even know it…well, maybe now he does, lol. Well done Scott Harris! We all can be better. It just takes diligence. Coach Carlos
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 21:50:05 +0000

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