Have you seen the terrible bloodbath & upheaval in Venezuela? - TopicsExpress


Have you seen the terrible bloodbath & upheaval in Venezuela? Not much in the Times or on CNN. Venezuela voted in a leftist with whom Sean Penn and other anti-capitalists sipped coffee. Promising the poor more than could be delivered and confiscating productive enterprises and shutting down opposition to quell dissension, Chavez and his successors have shown us again the fruits of socialism. Why should the press who lean left want to advertise this ideological failure? Why do those on the left always want to ignore or modifyVenezuela voted in a leftist with whom Sean Penn and other anti-capitalists sipped coffee. Promising the poor more than could be delivered and confiscating productive enterprises and shutting down opposition to quell dissension, Chavez and his successors have shown us again the fruits of socialism. Why should the press who lean left want to advertise this ideological failure? Why do leftist leaders always want to ignore their countrys constitutions?
Posted on: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 09:37:08 +0000

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